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Linda Harvey's Message to Obama Supporters: 'What Kind of Wrath are you Calling Down on Yourselves?'

Linda Harvey of Mission America this weekend interviewed Mark Harrington, the anti-choice activist previously with the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform and now with CreatedEqual, to discuss how Obama won re-election while at the same time arguing that the majority of Americans oppose reproductive rights. They argued that Romney would’ve won if voters made abortion their top voting priority, even though exit polls found that 59% of voters said abortion should be legal in all or most cases. Harvey and Harrington eventually concluded that people who supported Obama and the ‘Democrat party’ no longer have a “functioning conscience” and were simply inviting God’s wrath upon themselves and America at large:

Harrington: We have passed over this line when it comes to people having a functioning conscience. We may have passed to a place that maybe we won’t see returning, at least for a generation, at least that’s the way I see it.

Harvey: I think, yeah. You look at this and you say: what kind of wrath are you calling down on yourselves with that? God help you. This is so heart hardened and so cruel, these are human beings and you’re saying ‘hey, it’s fine.’

Harrington: The Democrat party, their party platform this year was brazen by taking out God and then putting it back in and have people boo, taking the ‘safe, legal and rare’ out of the abortion plank and then the rejection of Israel and Jerusalem as its capital, then the support for homosexual marriage. This is a change, now it’s overt. It’s no longer, ‘we support these things kind of in the background.’ Now it’s front and center, it’s who we are. When you put Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood at your Democrat National Convention as one of the main speakers, we have reached a different place in the Democrat party.

Harvey: And God is not ignoring all this.

Harrington: No, He’s not.

Harvey: He lives and He has been patient with us and I just shudder for our whole nation. It’s not just these people that support that, everybody is going to reap some of this.