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Linda Harvey: Satan Behind LGBT-inclusive Lessons In School

Yesterday, Mission America’s Linda Harvey wrote a column to help those parents who haven’t already pulled their kids out of public schools “prep kids to resist Satan’s school revolution.”

Harvey warned of classes about “a Satanic smorgasbord of ever-changing [gender] fluidity” and “outrageously pornographic sex ed programs.”

“There is no androgyny in the eyes of God,” she wrote. “Satan, however, loves this and encourages it through his confused human servants.”

Will your kids embrace “the Gender Unicorn” or the “Genderbread Person“?

Without guidance, they may. These and other trendy, gender-smashing curricula are deeply harmful and inaccurate, maintaining there are three or more sexes – male, female and “other” – in a Satanic smorgasbord of ever-changing fluidity.

There is no androgyny in the eyes of God. Satan, however, loves this and encourages it through his confused human servants.

And if you think, “Oh, my child could never be captivated by such nonsense!” then please read this about the cult-like attributes of gender anarchy.

If you remove your children from public schools, their risks diminish considerably.

Be wary. While much of America is over here protesting the invasion of bathrooms, homosexual behavior is quietly being inserted into the school curricula while few are looking, as if it did no harm, as if it truly were an inborn identity like race.

Especially watch for outrageously pornographic sex ed programs to be launched, the details of which you as a parent are unlikely to receive unless you push past all the roadblocks the school will erect.

The latest trend is to enact “inclusive” sex ed under the banner of being “comprehensive.” But that means they will just be ramping up the normalization of teen sex and abortion and now, homosexual behavior as well.