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Liberty Counsel: Acceptance Of Gay Christians May Be A Sign Of The End Times

On Liberty Counsel's "Faith and Freedom" radio broadcast today, Matt Barber and Deryl Edwards discussed the increasing support for gay rights among Christians and the rise in the number of Christians who are coming out as gay, like Christian singer Vicky Beeching.

To Barber and Edwards, this sort of "great falling away from the clear words of Scripture" just might be a sign that the End Times are rapidly approaching.

"This looks to be," Barber said, "at least to me, that it may be the beginning of this great falling away" that was prophesied in the Bible. Edwards agreed, saying that this is exactly what Paul warned would happen as the End Times grow near.

Citing 1 Timothy 4:1, which warns that "in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons," Edwards said that this seems to be what is happening today.

"Are we in the Last Days?" he asked. "It sure seems like it."

Barber then announced that Christians must pray for Beeching in hopes that she will repent because "she's really in danger here of leading millions of Christ's little ones astray and as Scripture says, it's better to have a millstone around your neck [and to be drowned in the depths of the sea] than to do so":