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Laurie Roth: Obama Allowing ISIS To Send Ebola Patients To US So He Can Use Fake Vaccines To Track People

Right-wing talk show host Laurie Roth takes to BarbWire today to share a doozy of a conspiracy theory.

Roth starts by citing unfounded claims that Central American children are responsible for an outbreak of a respiratory disease in the U.S., which she blames on “disease flame thrower” President Obama.

That leads her to the crux of her argument, which is that ISIS has “peppered” people affected with Ebola “throughout many cities,” something that Obama has allowed to happen so that he can institute martial law and a “forced vaccination plan” that will “release something potentially fatal into our system, but also act as a tracker.”

By the way, Roth has spoken twice at the supposedly mainstream Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Now, ISIS — that we are pretending to attack — is bringing in their version of suicide bombers throughout America. According to the breaking research of Whalid and Ted Shoebat, (regular guests of my national radio show), ISIS is planning to bring in people through out [sic] America infected with EBOLA. They are most likely already peppered throughout many cities now.

Forget suicide bombers with explosives attached to them. They have evolved to the next level now. ISIS might as well join the disease party, so by Christmas we can have a nice variety package of destruction and horror…lets see, EVD 68, EBOLA, TB and Scabies. Anyone want some bloody slush with your Christmas hors d’oeuvres?

…And what is the purpose of all this disease, lack of protection and border security??? It appears to be potentially the “full meal deal” for Obama and his goals. 1) Establish over the next few years mindless, dependent and UN-American foreign voters and supporters for Obama and his goals. 2) Punish America for her achievements by riddling her with diseases and maiming her children. 3) Create a guise to declare martial law due to created outbreaks. Control speech, food, travel and health care. 4) Demand adults and children take some sort of mandated/mystery vaccination that kills off even more people.

My prediction is that a forced vaccination plan from Obama and his administration is on its way. This will not only allow someone put in control (so Obama can’t be blamed) to release something potentially fatal into our system, but also act as a tracker – the complete end of our privacy and freedom.