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Laurie Higgins: Marriage Equality Inherently Wrong, Just Like The Three-Fifths Compromise

Laurie Higgins, the “cultural analyst” for the American Family Association-affiliated Illinois Family Institute, defended the right of businesses to deny service to gay people yesterday by arguing that same-sex couples are intrinsically inferior to opposite-sex couples.

Since a same-sex marriage “is the antithesis of a marriage,” Higgins wrote on the organization’s website, businesses should be allowed to refuse service to anyone they “believe mocks real marriage and offends God.”

Legalizing same-sex marriage, according to Higgins, is much like the Constitution’s three-fifths compromise: “Just as legally construing a human as 3/5 person would not make him in reality only 3/5 a person, the foolish decision of foolish people to recognize legally a homoerotic union as a ‘marriage’ does not make it in reality a marriage.”

A ceremony that celebrates the union of two people of the same-sex is not identical to a ceremony that celebrates the union of two people of opposite sexes. Such a ceremony is the antithesis of a marriage, which is why many orthodox Christians will not use the terms “wedding” or “marriage” to describe the union of two people of the same-sex.

Calling a homoerotic union a “marriage” does not make it a marriage in reality. Just as legally construing a human as 3/5 person would not make him in reality only 3/5 a person, the foolish decision of foolish people to recognize legally a homoerotic union as a “marriage” does not make it in reality a marriage.

So, the request of homosexuals for a cake for their “wedding” is not the same as a request from a heterosexual couple for a cake for their wedding. Homosexuals are seeking to compel bakers to make a product for an entirely different type of event, and one which the bakers believe mocks real marriage and offends God.

Due to the astonishing influence of homosexual and “trans” activism and the unbiblical cowardice of Christians—including especially Christian leaders—we’re going to see the government increasingly making demands on Christians with which Christians ought not comply. It is during those times that Christians should remember that we are commanded to “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”