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Latino Democratic Councilman Partners with Anti-Latino Pastor Rick Scarborough

New York City councilman Fernando Cabrera has become the favorite Democrat of far-right groups like the American Family Association and Family Research Council, and even the virulently anti-gay, anti-Muslim, birther Rick Scarborough of Vision America. Cabrera is apparently comfortable working with Scarborough even though he is known for his notorious views on immigration and ethnic minorities, including Latinos. Scarborough is fervently opposed to immigrant rights, called Justice Sonia Sotomayor a “disaster,” and told a Tea Party Nation event that if the US was “become 30 per cent Hispanic we will no longer be America…that would be a bad thing.” He recently said that the increasing minority birth rate is bad for America and will lead to a decline in Christianity.

Now we are witnessing more babies being born out of wedlock than in wedlock, leading to escalating social problems. That brings us back to this latest revelation on the growing influence of minorities in America. The sad reality is that more non-white families will also mean an America with more fatherless families.

The increasing polarization of the races is an additional cause for concern. Politicians and self-styled community leaders urge blacks and Hispanics to see themselves as members of a race first and foremost, and not as Americans or Christians.

On a conference call today with Scarborough’s 40 Days to Save America campaign to energize anti-Obama voters, Cabrera thanked Scarborough for his “prophetic call” to pray before the election and called for God to take “dominion over our lives” and fight back against “the grip of darkness that is trying to take over our land.”

Scarborough used the call for pray to God to stop abortion and gay rights, just as God ended slavery, and to “deliver us as a nation from the throes of secularism.”

This is our time; this is our opportunity to make a difference in America. We look around it seems bleak, I find pastors who are discouraged who don’t believe that even God can change America. But the good news is He did it once and gave us America, the first great awakening; He did it a second time and expunged the nation of slavery; He can do it a third time and deliver us from abortion and division and the advancement of gay rights, the Lord Jesus can do that.

Father deliver us as a nation from the throes of secularism and the encroaching secularist mindset that is seeking to stifle Christianity as a whole, give us a rebirth Lord of love for You, Lord cleanse us personally, cleanse us societally, Lord give us an outpouring of revival such as we have not seen in our lifetime, Father we do repent of the sins of complicity of allowing the culture to grow so coarse and so far from what You intended.