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Larry Tomczak Warns Christians To Beware Of All The Gays On TV

Anti-gay Religious Right commentator Larry Tomczak is very concerned about all the gays that are appearing in the media these days, warning readers of The Christian Post today that an agenda is at work to convince their children and grandchildren "that homosexuality is a beautiful way of life."

Distraught about the news coverage surrounding Michael Sam as well as by the fact that gay people are being featured on television shows and in advertisements, Tomczak warns that "the indoctrination and propaganda coming from those advocating a gay lifestyle in our country, classrooms and culture are increasing" and so "all of us need to take note and take action to guard those we love."

The show "Empire" features a "hunky" homosexual, Ellen DeGeneres is using Taylor Swift to trick people into embracing lesbianism, and even "Scandal" "has two gays," Tomczak fumes:

What's going on? A lifestyle that Romans 1:24-27 labels as "immoral," "indecent," "shameful," "unnatural" and a "perversion" bringing a "due penalty" is conveyed to tens of millions of unsuspecting children, teens and parents as normal, acceptable behavior.


Here's how Hollywood is promoting homosexuality right now:

  • Super hyped "Empire" series starts with Oscar nominee Terrence Howard having a homosexual son - and he's a hunk.
  • "Glee" features over five gay characters.
  • Home and remodeling reality shows regularly feature lesbians and gays in partnerships exploring homes.
  • "Modern Family" features a gay couple who married over two episodes recently.
  • "Ellen DeGeneres" celebrates her lesbianism and "marriage" in between appearances of guests like Taylor Swift to attract young girls.
  • "Dancing with the Stars" hosts a gay judge and gay couples.
  • "Biggest Loser" had lesbian Jillian Michaels as a role model coach.
  • "The Good Wife" now has a lesbian/bisexual investigator.
  • "Scandal" has two gays.
  • "2 1/2 Men" just added a lesbian daughter.
  • "Grey's Anatomy" highlights a lesbian couple with their child.
  • "Survivor" and other reality shows regularly parade homosexuals as contestants.
  • Anderson Cooper boasts openly on TV he'd rather "have sex" with a man plus co-hosts New Year's Eve festivities nationwide.


Passivity is not an option. Check out how aggressive these well-funded and well-organized groups are in targeting innocent and impressionable children. In elementary schools, high schools, colleges and the media,

LGBTQ advocates are extremely deceptive, sophisticated and strategic in working to lead a generation over the cliff to destruction.

As "salt" and "light" Christians, we represent a bulwark against this tidal wave of unprecedented evil. May all of us be found faithful and vigilant at our posts.