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Larry Klayman Wonders if John Roberts was 'Bribed or Blackmailed' into Upholding Health Care Reform

Unable to comprehend why Chief Justice John Roberts found the health care reform law to be constitutional, Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman is now calling for an investigation into whether “whether Roberts was bribed or blackmailed into precipitously turning tail and casting his lot with the socialists.” Maybe the money came from Iran, as Klayman earlier claimed that “Iran has paid off Obama with campaign contributions to win the next election.”

What explains Chief Justice Roberts' conversion from one who had decided to strike down Obamacare to a justice who dishonestly twisted and perverted the law to uphold it as constitutional? Was it simply a desire, as some political and legal pundits have speculated, to allegedly "save" the institution of the court by caving in to the left — which in recent years had railed against the conservative majority — and kissing the derriere of President Obama himself? In this way was Chief Justice Roberts painting "his" court as the court for all people, be they left, right, black or white ? Or was it something more sinister? Given real-world realities, you have to ask whether Roberts was bribed or blackmailed into precipitously turning tail and casting his lot with the socialists.

Decades ago, no rational person would have even dared to think such a thought. But with each passing decade since the 1950s — which it now appears were the pinnacle in America's post-war rise to power and greatness — the ethics, morals and honesty of our public officials in particular have decayed into the slimy free fall the nation now finds itself in. So why is this such a far-fetched proposition?

Was Chief Justice Roberts was bribed, blackmailed or just playing political games with his Obamacare change of heart? As the old proverb goes, "Where there is smoke there is usually fire." Since judges and, in this case, justices should not be treated as royalty, and certainly are not above the law, is it not reasonable for Roberts to be thoroughly investigated over his lawless actions?

Instead, it again turns to We the People to investigate and, if Chief Justice Roberts was bribed or blackmailed, mete out justice. As I have been writing about in recent weeks, one way to do this is through the Citizens Grand Jury, which our Founding Fathers bequeathed to us to use in trying times like these.