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Larry Klayman Says Americans Must Overthrow Obama To Honor Holocaust Victims

Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman writes this weekend(link is external) in WorldNetDaily that his campaign(link is external) to(link is external) literally(link is external) overthrow(link is external) President(link is external) Obama(link is external) through a popular uprising(link is external) and military coup(link is external) is just like the fight in Star Wars against “the Empire and its Darth Vaders like Obama, Holder [and] Reid” and that overthrowing the president is necessary to honor Holocaust victims.

Klayman, who was recently profiled in the Washington Post Magazine(link is external), cites the “never again” slogan to support his anti-Obama efforts: “Let us do so with the memory of over 6 million Jews, Catholics, other Christians, and mentally and physically infirm who were tortured, raped, gassed and burned alive in Adolf Hitler’s concentration camps. Never again! Never again!”

But it comes as no surprise that the Empire comprised of the likes of President Barack Hussein Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who has called the Bundys and their supporters “domestic terrorists” and Reid’s lackey, Neil Kornze, who is a former aide to this truly evil senator, now head of BLM, are now illegally using federal power, such as the FBI, to investigate and likely prosecute those citizens who exercised their Second Amendment rights to successfully, for now, defend the Bundys, the nation and themselves from government tyranny. The Russian Putinesque behavior of these corrupt government officials and agencies is exactly what the framers of the Constitution intended the Second Amendment and other amendments, such as the Fourth and First, to be used for. The Second Amendment and its right to bear and use arms, and for We the People to have militias, in the truest sense of the word, were the result of identical behavior, with far less firepower than exists today, by King George III in the years leading up to and during the American Revolution. And, just like Obama, Reid and their goons, King George III struck back mercilessly, using every weapon at his disposal.

As during biblical and American revolutionary times, David is destined to prevail over Goliath, with the help of our Lord and Savior.

In the name of liberty and freedom, now let us, We the People, sound our own battle cry. Let us do so by pledging our allegiance to the nation, ourselves and our loved ones. Let us do so with the memory of over 6 million Jews, Catholics, other Christians, and mentally and physically infirm who were tortured, raped, gassed and burned alive in Adolf Hitler’s concentration camps. Never again! Never again! Never again will government power and evil officials get free reign to use the power of the state to destroy liberty and freedom and annihilate the people.

To Obama, Reid and their henchmen, including the National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency, who undoubtedly are digging up dirt as we speak to give to government authorities like the FBI to smear and destroy the Bundys, their supporters and all of us who stand tall against their government tyranny, I say, “Go to Hell.” We will not back down from defending our rights and saving our country, no matter how you attempt to coerce and intimate us into remaining silent. While not demonstrating the eloquence of Thomas Jefferson or Patrick Henry, let us hope the Empire and its Darth Vaders like Obama, Holder, Reid and BLM’s Kornze get the message so we can avoid bloodshed and the sad consequences of what has now sadly become the Second American Revolution.