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Larry Klayman: Obama Wants 'Affirmative Action' For 'Muslim Terrorists'

Conservative legal activist Larry Klayman warned on Friday that President Obama and his allies “have created a new type of affirmative action where Muslim terrorists have more rights than our own military and our country as a whole,” arguing that the “Mullah in Chief” is siding with terrorists.

“The situation has reached an intolerable point, and it is time to either impeach Obama or find some other legal means to rid the nation of his treasonous and harmful ways,” he wrote in WorldNetDaily(link is external).

“Obama must now be held legally accountable for his treason, either through impeachment or some other legal means. The nation finally must be rid of this tyrant, who allows our own best and brightest to be sacrificed at the altar of his Muslim roots and sympathies.”

President Barack Hussein Obama, who is the head of the armed forces, has not only threatened Israel that U.S. aid would be cut off if it does not make peace with Hamas in light of Muslim civilian casualties in Gaza – thus preventing Israel from ridding the Middle East of this Muslim terrorist scourge by forcing a cease-fire amid similar threats by the United Nations and its compromised secretary general, Ban Ki-moon – but, true to past history, he and his secretary of state, John Kerry, also have refused to admit that the Afghan Muslim military is as much a threat to U.S. troops as the Taliban itself. This is because both Obama and Kerry lean heavily in favor of Muslim interests, not just with regard to Israel but our nation as well. For the commander in chief or even the secretary of state not to even make mention of the assassination of this general until well after the fact shows that he continues to be unwilling to admit that we are in a war with radical Islam. Of course, the answer for this is obvious. Obama, the “first Muslim president,” himself sympathizes not with the U.S. military, but those who oppose our efforts to rid the world of Muslim terrorism.

The situation has reached an intolerable point, and it is time to either impeach Obama or find some other legal means to rid the nation of his treasonous and harmful ways. It is one thing to stop Israel from eliminating Hamas on the basis that the Jewish state correctly waged war by not becoming fixated on casualties among those Muslims the terrorist group uses as human shields to do their bidding, but it’s quite another thing to sacrifice our own for Obama’s Muslim sympathies. After all, it was these Muslim civilians who voted Hamas into power in Gaza. They must now bear the consequences, as we Americans must bear the consequences for voting the Mullah in Chief into power in our nation.

Thus, in the world of war against radical Islam, Obama and his comrades, like Kerry and the U.N.’s Ban, have created a new type of affirmative action where Muslim terrorists have more rights than our own military and our country as a whole.

Obama must now be held legally accountable for his treason, either through impeachment or some other legal means. The nation finally must be rid of this tyrant, who allows our own best and brightest to be sacrificed at the altar of his Muslim roots and sympathies.