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Larry Klayman Calls For Obama's Overthrow After Bundy Ranch Standoff

Even though his effort last year to attract millions of Tea Party protesters to the White House failed miserably, Larry Klayman still heralded the event — along with an earlier event featuring Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz, where he said “sharpshooters were stationed on top of the White House ready to take out anyone who they deemed to be out of control” — as the beginning of a Second American Revolution.

As such, Klayman writes today in WorldNetDaily today that this month’s standoff at Cliven Bundy’s Nevada ranch is now further evidence that Americans are ready to “exercise our legitimate Second Amendment rights” and “remove [Obama] legally from office.”

Oct. 13, 2013, was the day the first shots were fired in the New American Revolution. This occurred when yours truly, joined by fellow tea partiers Gov. Sarah Palin and Sens. Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, spoke before a crowd of angry patriots who had gathered in front of the World War II Memorial to protest having been prevented from entering this hallowed ground for military veterans by the Obama-run U.S. Park Service during the government shutdown. Following the speeches and protests, hordes of these angry patriots, myself included, marched across the rainy and cold landscape of our “capital of corruption,” Washington, D.C., to congregate in front of the now tarnished and defiled Pennsylvania Avenue gates of the White House – whose current inhabitant is a fraudulently elected president who primarily favors socialists, atheists, Muslims and others from the far left and, as a self-proclaimed king, does not represent all Americans as he promised when elected.

Some of the hordes carried with them the government barricades they had torn down at the World War II Memorial. Sharpshooters were stationed on top of the White House ready to take out anyone who they deemed to be out of control. Still, the patriots bravely proceeded to symbolically throw the barricades up against the gates separating themselves from our “fearless leader.” All of this was captured by the news media who were present that day. While the patriots harmed no one, it was clear to all who were present that this was the first sign that a new American revolution had begun; in effect, the first shots fired at Lexington and Concord.

About a month later, on Nov. 19, 2013, the revolution was furthered by another peaceful but forceful protest I and other patriots had named the Reclaim America Now Coalition. Also held in front the the [sic] White House, in full earshot of President Obama, whom I metaphorically accused of hiding for cover under his desk, the event had speakers and the crowd proclaiming their dedication to restoring the freedoms our Founding Fathers had proclaimed on July 4, 1776. Reading aloud this Declaration of Independence, taking a lead from our Founding Fathers, we pledged our “fortunes,” sacred honor and lives to do whatever it takes to save our great nation, peacefully and non-violently. Present that day were representatives from over 40 organizations and others who had come together to further the cause of freedom.

So where do we go from here? If the events in Nevada over the last week or so are any indication, where brave patriots, exercising their Second Amendment rights, stood down the tyranny of Obama’s Bureau of Land Management on behalf of the Bundy family and their cattle ranch, then indeed full-scale revolution is now in full swing in both the courts and through armed men on horseback. Here, militias from throughout the nation converged, along with other brave citizens, to show the government that we simply will not take their “horse manure” anymore. As in the years leading up to 1776, when King George III had his redcoats break into our homes, steal our weapons of self-defense and other property, and rape and pillage the colonies in general, We the People will not stand by and submit to this modern-day despotism. Here, Obama’s henchmen at the BLM, without court order, sent in government goons to seize cattle that were legally grazing on state and not federal lands. But when these goons saw that the people meant business, they threw in the towel and fled the scene of their crime as the cowards they are.

Before these government goons do come back, let this message go forth. Barack Hussein Obama, Harry Reid and the gutless Republican establishment leaders in Congress who roll over to and further this continued government tyranny, We the People have now risen up and we intend to remove you legally from office. This country belongs to us, not you. This land is our land! And, we will fight you will all legal means, including exercising our legitimate Second Amendment rights of self-defense, to end your tyranny and restore freedom to our shores!