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Lance Wallnau on ‘The Slingshot Strategy’: ‘We Are an Invasion Force’

Envelope image from Sept. 2024 fundraising mailing from Lance Wallnau Ministries.

MAGA insider and “prophetic” entrepreneur Lance Wallnau is an ardent self-promoter as well as an enthusiastic promoter of Donald Trump and Seven Mountains Dominionism. As Right Wing Watch has reported, Wallnau’s election-year “Courage Tour” of swing counties fuses religious tent revivals with MAGA movement political organizing in an effort to return Trump to power. A recent direct mail piece from Lance Wallnau Ministries describes that kind of two-pronged effort in biblical terms.

“We have TWO great weapons of WAR,” screams the outside envelope: “The HARP and the SLINGSHOT.”

The letter inside explains that the harp and slingshot refer to biblical stories about the future King David, one in which his harp playing bound the demons that were tormenting King Saul, and one in which the young David used a slingshot to kill a “giant predator” who was threatening the Israelite Army.

Seven Mountains Dominionism teaches that entire nations can and must be transformed by the right kind of Christians taking “dominion” over the “mountains” of influence in society—government, education, media, arts and entertainment, business, family, and religion—setting the stage for Christ to return to “rule and reign” with a triumphant church.

This teaching is associated with the New Apostolic Reformation, whose leaders often portray American politics as spiritual warfare Trump as anointed by God. Their vision of our future is an America in which our freedoms are sacrificed to force the country into alignment with their right-wing “biblical worldview.”

“If Christians continue to depend upon a flawed strategy, we will not succeed,” Wallnau’s letter states. “Revival is necessary for the church, BUT reformation is what changes the nation. If we want to see change, we must be both spiritual worshipers and cultural warriors. We must hold the harp with one hand and the slingshot in the other!”

More from Wallnau’s letter:

As I see it, the church today has two tools—essentially the same two tools that David had. We have the ‘harp,’ and we have the ‘slingshot.’ And we need both tools to accomplish our mission as the Body of Christ.

The harp represents our worship, our access to heaven, and the anointing. The harp is the way we keep ourselves in the Holy Ghost. Once you have ‘tasted the powers of the age to come,’ it is easy to want to stay in God’s presence. …

BUT if intimacy with God is the only goal, then God would have killed us and taken us to heaven after He converted us. After salvation, our goal is not intimacy, our goal is to be like Jesus, who said, ‘my will is to do the will of Him that sent Me and to finish His work.’ Intimacy is the secret behind the harp, and the harp is the power behind the slingshot. Our goal on earth is not heaven; salvation has taken care of that. Our goal is to plunder the gates of Hell. We are an invasion force. We ‘go into all the world’ to impact the world. That is where the slingshot comes in. The harp fills you with heaven; the slingshot is what plunders hell. You need both. The harp is for warfare in the spirit, the slingshot for warfare in the natural.

We need more slingshot saints. More Daniels and Josephs in government. We need more Esthers in the king’s palace and more Mordecais at the king’s gate refusing to bow to Hamon! We need more Davids who know how to walk in the Spirit and use a slingshot. We need them in media, journalism, courtrooms, academia, medicine, entertainment, business, and all areas of government.

So as much as we love the harp on Sunday, we need the slingshot in the marketplace, school system, and government on Monday through Friday. If you are a pastor or minister, please hear me—you can be both a shepherd and a city council member in your town. If you are retired and wondering what God has next, I can help you. If you are frustrated because you are not doing your high calling, I can help you. God is not done with you. You are called to be a David in your field.

That is why this ministry is so crucial at this time. If Christians continue to depend upon a flawed strategy, we will not succeed. Revival is necessary for the church, BUT reformation is what changes the nation. If we want to see change, we must be both spiritual worshipers and cultural warriors. We must hold the harp with one hand and the slingshot in the other!

Wallnau’s letter urges people to “give your best gift” so that he can spread “this vital message to the entire Body of Christ.” In return, he will act as a coach and mentor by sending a copy of “The Slingshot Strategy Your Unconventional Plan to Get to the Top,” which he writes will help “turn your problems into promotions, your weaknesses into strengths, and show you how to unlock your full capacity to use both the harp and the slingshot.”