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Lance Wallnau: God May Have Led Trump To Hire Steve Bannon

Seven Mountains dominionist Lance Wallnau has been one of the most shameless advocates of Donald Trump's presidential candidacy in the Religious Right, repeatedly explaining that God sometimes anoints secular figures like Trump to carry out His will.

As Peter mentioned earlier today, Wallnau penned a defense of Trump for the cover of the most recent issue of the Pentecostal magazine Charisma. In an interview with Charisma’s Steve Strang that Strang posted on his website on Wednesday, Wallnau said that in the interest of getting Trump elected president, God might have contributed to Trump’s decision to hire Steve Bannon to chair his campaign and might even send an “incident” to trip up Hillary Clinton during a debate.

After Trump’s disastrous feud with the Khan family sent his campaign reeling, Trump fired his top campaign staff and brought on pollster Kellyanne Conway and Breitbart chairman Steve Bannon, a promoter of the racist alt-right movement , to run his campaign. According to Wallnau, this was likely because Trump had received a message to pray to God for help turning his campaign around.

After the Khan debacle, Wallnau said, Trump “brought a woman on as his chief of staff and brought a guy on from Breitbart” and then “he came back, and he started coming back and coming back” in the polls.

Wallnau told Strang that “most people don’t know” the backstory behind this transformation, which is that one of Trump’s faith advisers “received a prophetic word” for Trump that “basically said, ‘If you will humble yourself and pray and call upon the name of the Lord, you’ll be the next president of the United States.’” The pastor conveyed this message to Trump via one of his sons, who “personally handed it to his father and told him to read it on the plane.”

“Now, we do not know what Donald Trump did on that plane,” Wallnau said, “but I can almost prophesy, in his state of mind by himself on the plane looking at the problem he had, I believe he closed his eyes, read that, and in his own way humbled himself and asked God for help. Boom! Within 24 hours the campaign pivoted, he made two critical decisions and it’s been competitive ever since.”

As Peter noted, Wallnau also discussed the presidential debates (the first debate had evidently not happened yet when the interview took place), saying that there was “speculation” as to whether Clinton has the “stamina or ability” to handle a 90-minute face-off with Trump and that God might step in to cause Clinton to stumble.

“So if there is something that’s going on that the public doesn’t know about in terms of stamina or ability,” he said, “it’s quite possible in the course of these debates that something will surface that wasn’t expected. So that’s what a lot of people are wondering, is there going to be an unveiling of an incident that’s going to happen that was unanticipated? Because God is really involved with what’s happening right now, and I think if there was ever a time where the chariot wheels of Pharaoh come off, I think now we ought to be praying that God speeds his path for His purposes because America cannot afford another 48 months of the destructive spiral that it’s in right now.”