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LaBarbera Tells Parent to treat Gay Son like an Alcoholic; Eliason Compares Homosexuality to a School Shooting

Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality spoke to Vic Eliason of VCY America about his twenty “Resolutions for Pro-Family Advocates Battling the Homosexual Agenda in 2013” on Crosstalk yesterday. When a caller told him that she does not “accept the behavior” of her gay son and forbids him and his partner from “staying in my house together,” LaBarbera said that accepting her son’s homosexuality is “a lie from the pit of Hell” and commended her for “praying for your son to be delivered out of that lifestyle.”

Caller: The reason I’m calling is I have a son that’s homosexual and my thing of it is, it’s what Peter said, even if he is my son I can love him unconditionally, I will not accept the behavior. If he comes to my house and brings a partner, there is no way they are staying in my house together. Jesus said: do you love me more than these? Even though there are children, we are to love him first. Jesus will bring our children out but we’ve got to be on our knees before the Lord and on our face. We bombard Heaven for their deliverance and at the same time we uphold these values before them.

LaBarbera: That’s wonderful. You love your son and that’s not in question. The lie of the other side is to love your son you have to love or embrace his homosexuality, and that’s really a lie from the pit of Hell. We don’t give an alcoholic, we don’t say, ‘I love you so much I’m going to give you a bottle of scotch every month.’ That’s not true love. True love is what you’re talking about, it’s defending godly values and praying for your son to be delivered out of that lifestyle.

Eliason also likened homosexuality to not only drunk driving but also the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, arguing that they are all manifestations of wicked behavior. LaBarbera lamented that the “homosexual movement” has successfully “redefined” and “marketed a sin,” changing the word “gay” to no longer “mean perversion.”

Eliason: Behavior is the problem. Let’s just think back a few weeks to a horrendous thing that happened in that little school where twenty-some little children were killed because of the behavior of an individual who was deranged and in my book, demonic, in what he did. But it was behavior. Let’s talk about a car wreck, when someone is driving drunk and the car goes crashing into someone and kills them, the result is horrendous but it’s because of behavior. And somehow this idea of behavior has escaped us, that everything should be status quo and that people are free to go out and imbibe and commit terrible crimes and violate nature because behavior is ignored.

LaBarbera: That’s a great point, Vic. The homosexual movement specifically is a movement that successfully marketed a sin. That’s what they did, they redefined a sin, marketed it as gay. Vic I had an old-time reader when I first started the Lambda Report, that was my original publication, and her name was Gay Guptill. Boy, was her life made a lot harder when they stole her name. You know the word used to mean merry, it didn’t mean perversion. They redefined that and it only went downhill from there.

Later, Eliason said that not reproaching someone’s homosexuality is much like failing to move “someone who is on a train track who is about to be hit with a speeding train” as homosexuality, according to LaBarbera, is “a ticket to Hell.”

LaBarbera went on to say that President Obama is “not really a Christian” since he supports marriage equality but admitted that he “underestimated” how Obama’s endorsement “would have an impact on the homosexual so-called marriage debate.”

Eliason: If you have someone who is on a train track who is about to be hit with a speeding train, you may have to speak loudly or firmly but the most loving thing you can do is get them off the track.

LaBarbera: Absolutely. Whether the left likes to hear it or not, embracing homosexuality as a lifestyle is a ticket to Hell and we want people not to spend eternity apart from God.

Eliason: We have Wanda standing by in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Wanda you are on the line with Peter LaBarbera.

Caller: I just wanted to say that I think it’s more important to be obedient to God rather than to have all this fairness in marriage. I have noticed in reading my Bible that when a country’s leadership was corrupt, the nation usually went along with the corruption and that’s where we’re going right now.

LaBarbera: I think you’re right on. I think that’s part of the reason we lost on the marriage issue. Obama’s corrupt Christianity, so-called, of course he’s not really a Christian with what he’s defending, homosexual marriage. I underestimated how that would have an impact on the homosexual so-called marriage debate.