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LaBarbera Joins Mefferd To Lash Out At "Homo-Fascism"

Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality appeared yesterday on The Janet Mefferd Show, where he fretted about the rise of the gay rights movement. “This is one of the most successful American power campaigns that has ever existed,” LaBarbera lamented. “Consider in sixty years they went from being an aberrant, taboo lifestyle, which was ‘don’t even mention it,’ to now driving society.” He told Mefferd that because the “gay mafia” controls Hollywood and the media, even right-wing author Ann Coulter no longer associates “homosexual activists” with the “liberal mob.” After condemning the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and discussing the impact of HIV-AIDS in the gay community, LaBarbera grieved that the government was “promoting” instead of suppressing “this unhealthy behavior”:

LaBarbera: You know I’m trying to get Christians to understand, look, it’s not about tolerance anymore; it’s about celebrating homosexuality.

Mefferd: Right, well we saw that just this week with the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. It was one side of the story, everybody was in the streets rejoicing, everybody was happy, all the sudden the sun has come out, completely ignoring the fact that there were plenty of Americans who were grieving that particular decision.

LaBarbera: Absolutely Janet, that was so sad to see. I was looking at our Chicago Sun Times, two full pages celebrating the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal. The media now pretends that there is no other side in this issue and we have to work around that. But the homosexuals are sort of knowing that they have the media with them, are trying all these techniques, and the gay activists are sending me taunting messages, ‘you’re next Peter!’ This is how bad it is. People don’t understand; we don’t use the term ‘homo-fascism’ lightly.

The CDC just reported that 2 percent of men who have sex with men are responsible for 61 percent of AIDS cases, if it were any other behavior in this culture, wouldn’t we see a mobilization by governments state, local, federal, by private organizations, everybody would be saying, ‘we have to stop this unhealthy behavior.’ But in homosexuality it’s the opposite, we’re actually promoting the very behavior that’s killing people.

It’s a hateful thing to say Peter LaBarbera, Janet Mefferd, these Christians are hateful, that in it of itself is raw bigotry and hatred. Total dominance is what they’re after. It’s not about tolerance it’s about dominance. Yes they’re on a march. This is one of the most successful American power campaigns that has ever existed. Consider in sixty years they went from being an aberrant, taboo lifestyle, which was ‘don’t even mention it,’ to now driving society. Even Ann Coulter is bending to the gay lobby, she joined GOProud, she wrote a book called ‘Demonic’ and it’s about the mob, the liberal mob, and guess which group she happened to leave out? The homosexual activists, who rose to power through a riot in Stonewall, they fought the cops; they threw bottles at the police. If there’s not a gay mafia that controls Hollywood and the media, even the liberals talk about the gay mafia now it’s that powerful, and yet Ann Coulter of all people left it out of the book, because she knew it might threaten her prominence in the media.