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LaBarbera: ‘Homosexual Activists’ are ‘Doing to Christians’ what the ‘Nazis Used to Do to the Jews’

Peter LaBarbera on Americans for Truth About Homosexuality Radio Hour once again hosted Liberty University’s resident junk scientist Judith Reisman, who after telling LaBarbera about her time working on music for “Captain Kangaroo,” went on to say that anti-gay bullying and gay youth suicides are complete myths based on “ignorance” and that many kids “are going to be very susceptible to the homosexual urging” because children are taught that “homosexuality was being discriminated against.”

Of course a lot of them are going to be very susceptible to the homosexual urging and that sort of thing, I mean as a kid if I thought homosexuality was being discriminated against and this was normal and natural and this is genetic, give me a break, we have no genetic support for that at all. And if we did, where was it in the ’60s and the ’70s? And all this bullying stuff we’re talking about for being gay and the suicides? Well where are the data back in the ’60s and the ’70s, you think we didn’t record data on kids who were committing suicide, on kids who were being beaten up for sexual interests and that sort of thing, come on! There is such an ignorance of our history, such an ignorance out there and we’ve maintained ignorance.

Reisman went on to argue that a child who would otherwise be a “normal, regular, human, heterosexual kid” is being brainwashed by sexual education classes to think he or she might be gay, transgender or “all kinds of other things.” And why are schools “creating” kids? Reisman says that is because they want “these kids become fodder for adult predators, that’s exactly what they become.”

These kids, their brains are plastic, they’re going to the classroom in school, they’re told now in kindergarten about various forms of sexual activity and ‘you should all be happy,’ ‘make love not war,’ though love now is war. The next thing you know they’re also being told that they really don’t know that they’re a normal, regular, human, heterosexual kid, but they could be bisexual, they could be homosexual, they could be transgender, they could be all kinds of other things, well they couldn’t be unless there is some kind of identifiable proof that that actually is taking place and so we know that what we’re doing is traumatizing these children.

We’re turning our kids into incredibly confused activists, we’re creating these gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, undecided and indiscriminate, whatever the last one is I think there’s another one now, and you have to ask yourself: Who is doing this? What adults are pulling this one off? Because these kids become fodder for adult predators, that’s exactly what they become.

And while the two anti-gay activists in their last interview likened gays to Soviet spies and radical Islamists, LaBarbera and Reisman went straight to the Nazi comparisons this time, with LaBarbera warning that the “homosexual activists” who control Hollywood are “demonizing [Christians] like the Nazis used to do to the Jews.” Reisman eagerly agreed and likened public education in the US to schools in Hitler’s Germany and said that just as Nazis put up Hitler posters instead of the Ten Commandments, “here in the United States we removed the Ten Commandments but we didn’t put up Hitler we put up the AIDS posters, which is just as telling, isn’t it?”

LaBarbera: Homosexual activists in many ways drive our culture, they decide what’s going to be in a movie, we see all the portrayals, homosexuals are the most positively portrayed in the movies and on TV, Christians are often negatively portrayed and stereotyped. In many ways, in fact Judith you are Jewish, I think you’re starting to see Hollywood what they’re doing to Christians and to people of faith who actually adhere to traditional values, they’re demonizing them like the Nazis used to do to the Jews. They would compare Jews to rats and we see these vicious, ugly caricatures of Christians coming out of Hollywood. How did we go from that in such a short amount of time to homosexuality being deviant conduct which wasn’t spoken about to now driving our culture?

Reisman: You answered it. I mean it’s not that much time when you think that Germany, Hitler’s Germany, I think was twenty years that went from a basically conservative German culture to the films being controlled by—I forgot which one—and the films being made that described what you are now describing for Christians well that was what they were doing for Jews and actually they included Christians in there quite often too, and the schools were taken over by the fascist government and the children were told that their parents, who were old-fashioned, were old-fashioned and you know you don’t have to tell your parents, you mustn’t tell your parents, what you’re learning here in school. They gutted the libraries of anything that was Christian in belief and they pulled down the Ten Commandments. You had the Ten Commandments all over the walls of the schools in Germany, just like we had in the United States of America, and so they had removed all the Ten Commandments and they put up of course Hitler. Well here in the United States we removed the Ten Commandments but we didn’t put up Hitler we put up the AIDS posters, which is just as telling, isn’t it?