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Kuhner: Obama is Channeling Trotsky, Leading a 'Ceaseless Assault Upon Traditional America'

We predicted that the fanatically anti-Obama columnist Jeffrey Kuhner of the Washington Times would go mad if President Obama won re-election, and he didn’t disappoint. In a column today, Kuhner warns that Obama is channeling the spirit of “Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez” and is dependent on a left-wing “pseudo-religion.” Kuhner warned that Obama and his fellow Democrats are waging a “ceaseless assault upon traditional America” and will use comprehensive immigration reform to “permanently shift the electoral map in favor of the Democrats” and consequently “ensure national one-party Democratic rule for generations.”

“The president has shown nothing but contempt for the Constitution. He is remaking America in his own image,” Kuhner writes. “Can Republicans stop him? If not, there will be no return from Obama’s America.”

While he is grieving now, prior to the election Kuhner predicted that even if Obama were to win re-election he would be impeached and removed from office!

President Obama has succeeded in transforming America. The constitutional republic is dead. A socialist empire has been born. This is the true meaning — and historical significance — of Tuesday’s election.

From the outset of his presidency, Mr. Obama vowed to be a “transformative” leader. His re-election shows that he has achieved his primary goal: erecting a European social democracy.

Contrary to myth, liberalism is not a political ideology but a pseudo-religion — or rather, it is a substitute for traditional religion. It is driven by emotion, symbolism, irrationality and blind, intense faith. Its holy trinity is race, class and gender. Its church is the Democratic Party. And its savior —its secular messiah —is Mr. Obama. He has fostered a cult of personality common among leftist revolutionaries. Despite blatant failures, he is not held accountable by his supporters. Like Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, Mr. Obama is never blamed by his ideological followers for any mistakes or misdeeds. It is always someone else’s fault — especially former President George W. Bush‘s. Obama-ites have one ever-present boogeyman: Mr. Bush. He is the American left’s devil.

Moreover, this explains Mr. Obama’s strategy — playing the race card, relentlessly attacking “millionaires and billionaires” and making phony claims of a GOP “war on women.” The only real war is the Democrats’ ceaseless assault upon traditional America. Mr. Obama is practicing the old politics of divide and conquer. His aim is to splinter and polarize society in the ruthless pursuit of power.

The path is clear for Mr. Obama’s complete transformation of America. He has admitted that the key to his re-election was the huge Hispanic turnout. He plans to repay the favor by pushing amnesty for nearly 12 million to 20 million illegal immigrants. The New York Times reports that Mr. Obama considers “comprehensive immigration reform” to be his first priority in a second term. The reason is obvious: Granting amnesty would permanently shift the electoral map in favor of the Democrats. Pivotal states with large illegal populations, such as Texas, Arizona, Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, would become deep blue. It would ensure national one-party Democratic rule for generations.

The last line of defense is the Republican-controlled House. The Senate remains firmly in Democratic hands. Mr. Obama will reshape the Supreme Court as he fills inevitable upcoming vacancies. The establishment media is his lapdog. Hollywood backs him. The popular culture idolizes him. Almost every major institution is falling under his influence. The president has shown nothing but contempt for the Constitution. He is remaking America in his own image. Can Republicans stop him? If not, there will be no return from Obama’s America.