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Kuhner: Obama Establishing a 'Soft Tyranny' and 'Socialist Empire'

Jeffrey Kuhner didn’t disappoint in his predictably insane Washington Times column, “Obama and the future of our republic: Re-election will result in the Socialist States of America,” where he warned that President Obama is “our version of Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez.” He claimed that Obama is establishing a “soft tyranny” and “socialist empire” where the government seeks to “nationalizes your body” and create “a nation of economic deadbeats and social parasites.”

President Obama must be defeated on Tuesday. Our republic hangs in the balance. A second term would enable him to achieve his seminal goal: the transformation of America into a European social democracy. The nation of our Founding Fathers will cease to exist. Our constitutional system will be replaced by a corporatist superstate based on arbitrary, centralized power and the fusion of big government, big business and big labor. His re-election would represent the final victory of the progressive movement — the creation of a liberal, socialist regime.

For nearly four years, Mr. Obama has presided over a revolution from above. His signature legislative accomplishment is Obamacare. Washington is poised to take over one-sixth of the economy. It will impose a command-and-control government-run health system marked by exploding costs, rationed care, massive tax increases and intrusive mandates. The law also does something else that is unprecedented — and ominous: It encodes the federal funding of abortion. Through an abortion “surcharge,” it compels religious citizens to violate their conscience rights by subsidizing the murder of unborn children. This represents a major step toward a soft tyranny, enlisting Christians to underwrite state-sanctioned infanticide. It threatens to abrogate basic individual liberties.

Once Obamacare is fully implemented in 2014, it will be almost impossible to repeal. Government health care will become interwoven into the fabric of society, as millions lose their employer-based coverage in exchange for public subsidies. Moreover, like in Europe, socialized medicine fundamentally alters the relationship between the state and its citizens. The government essentially nationalizes your body. State health bureaucrats decide which treatments you and your family can — and cannot — receive. In short, nationalized health care creates a society of serfs who are coerced into dependency upon a ruling class for their most important needs. It breeds the servile state.

Yet, Mr. Obama’s drive toward a statist regime has gone much deeper than health care. His nearly $1 trillion stimulus package did nothing to engender economic growth. Rather, it stimulated unprecedented government expansion, amounting to a massive electoral bribe. Every major political constituency was paid off — the public-sector unions, government bureaucrats, environmentalists, minorities, low-income earners and community organizing groups.

We are becoming a nation of economic deadbeats and social parasites. Mr. Obama has forged a new redistributionist order: Tax consumers are devouring the wealth of taxpaying producers. In the process, he is breeding an army — a vast electoral pool — of government dependents. Soon, America will hit the tipping point at which the productive classes are outnumbered — and outvoted — by the nonproductive ones. Our decline will be inexorable and inevitable.

Mr. Obama has shredded our traditional system of free enterprise, states’ rights and limited government. He has governed not like the president of a republic, but a modern-day Roman emperor who views our Constitution as a meaningless piece of paper — a document to be trampled on in his mad rush to erect a socialist empire. He is our version of Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez. Should he win on Nov. 6, America — sadly and tragically — risks going the way of Venezuela.