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Kuhner: Latinos and 'Christophobic' Obama Turning US into a 'Third World Nation' and the 'United States of Mexico'

Jeffrey Kuhner of the Washington Times is out with a column today slamming Republicans who are willing to work with the Obama administration on crafting an immigration reform bill.

According to Kuhner, the GOP would be “committing suicide” if it backed a plan which offered undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship, arguing that Latinos support “statism” and Obama, despite his supposedly “anti-Catholic, Christophobic and pro-abortion” record.

Citizenship given to undocumented immigrations would make the U.S. into a “third world nation” as it “rewards mass lawbreaking” and encourages the “huge southern invasion” and “cultural Balkanization.” “They are criminals,” Kuhner writes.

“Amnesty is nothing more than surrender.” He goes on to warn Republicans that “any amnesty will fracture the GOP” and push conservatives “to for a new party” of people who “will not abandon our nation” as it becomes “a socialist empire.”

“We will not embrace a United States of Mexico,” he concludes.

Republicans may be committing a fatal error. During its proud history, the GOP has embraced heroic causes decrying slavery, preserving our union, defending modern capitalism, opposing Soviet communism and protecting unborn children. It is a seminal institution that has been pivotal in forging a free and prosperous America. If wiser heads do not prevail, however, the party is on the verge of committing suicide.

The open-borders crowd is peddling the myth that Hispanics are “natural allies” of the GOP. They are supposedly deeply Catholic and, therefore, more “family-oriented” and potentially open to embracing Republican positions on abortion, homosexual marriage and stem-cell research. They are supposedly social conservatives masquerading as moderate Democrats the future shock troops of the Christian right.

This is false. The 2012 exit polls clearly revealed Hispanics voted Democrat owing to Obamacare. This was (and remains) their No. 1 issue. An overwhelming majority of Hispanics embrace government-run health care because they support a lavish entitlement state subsidized housing, free education, Pell Grants, long-term unemployment benefits, welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, Social Security and disability insurance. In other words, most Hispanics are natural Democrats. They prefer statism and higher taxes to small-government conservatism. They are not “values” voters. They vote their pocketbook. The Catholic Church openly criticized Obamacare, especially its contraceptive mandate and the administration’s war on religious liberty. No president has been more anti-Catholic, Christophobic and pro-abortion than Mr. Obama. If socially conservative Hispanics couldn’t oppose a radical leftist like him, they will never flock to the GOP.

Amnesty is a poisoned chalice; Republicans drink it at their peril. By allowing a path to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants, the GOP is paving the way for permanent Democratic rule. The Democrats’ voting rolls will swell with newly legalized foreigners. States with heavy Hispanic populations will become Democratic strongholds. Texas and Arizona will no longer be red states. Florida will flip from purple to blue. Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin will be unwinnable. The Republicans will be reduced to a regional rump party, clinging to the South and the Prairie states. They will go the way of the Whigs into the dustbin of history.

America is not a Third World nation. It is based on the rule of law. Amnesty rewards mass lawbreaking and undermines national sovereignty. It essentially encodes the pernicious principle that our borders do not exist and that we are unwilling to protect our homeland from a huge southern invasion. The costs have been enormous crowded emergency rooms, exploding crime, gun- and drug-trafficking, the immense drain on social services and cultural Balkanization. Illegal aliens are not refugees. They are criminals. Amnesty is nothing more than surrender.

This is why any amnesty will fracture the GOP, and force millions of conservatives including myself to form a new party. We will not abandon our nation. We will not accept it becoming a socialist empire. We will not embrace a United States of Mexico. Republicans beware: Your political future is at stake.