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Kuhner Cites Dubious New York Post Article To Call Obama's Re-Election 'Illegitimate'

Conservative commentators have pounced on a fishy New York Post article this week which claimed that the US Census faked jobs data to help President Obama’s re-election chances. Among the major flaws in the Post’s report was that the Census worker whom the paper suggests fabricated the pre-election unemployment report left the Census Bureau in August, 2011.

But Washington Times columnist Jeffrey Kuhner took the Post’s dubious story as confirmation of earlier right-wing predictions that Obama “deliberately manipulated” Census data to aid his campaign, and therefore his re-election was “illegitimate.”

“Mr. Obama’s regime is imploding,” Kuhner writes today. “It is only because the U.S. system has fixed, four-year presidential terms that he is still in office.”

Did President Obama win re-election on false terms? This is the question that must be answered in the wake of a recent bombshell story in The New York Post.

The Post’s John Crudele revealed that in the final months prior to the 2012 presidential election, the U.S. Census Bureau released fabricated data. In particular, in September 2012, the Census Bureau astonishingly claimed that the unemployment rate had dropped in one month from 8.1 percent to 7.8 percent. I — along with many others — said that the number was not only bogus, but had been deliberately manipulated to help Mr. Obama achieve a second term. I was right.

The president’s entire re-election was based on a pack of lies. If the electorate knew the true, destructive nature of the administration, Mr. Obama might never have won. His regime transformed the Internal Revenue Service into a political weapon to intimidate and harass opponents, preventing groups from organizing against him in 2012. On Benghazi, the president and his allies deliberately misled the public to cover up the terrorist killings of four Americans — including U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens. They did this while claiming al Qaeda had been smashed and defeated. Instead, the Islamist network was on the march. Mr. Obama’s surveillance state, using the National Security Agency to spy on millions of fellow citizens, was kept in the shadows.

Finally, the president’s central promise regarding Obamacare — that if you like your health care plan, you can keep it — turns out not only to have been false, but Mr. Obama knew it was false. The Obamacare regulations compelling millions to change insurance were written into the law years before the 2012 election. In short, he repeatedly, consistently and knowingly lied.

This raises the question: If Mr. Obama’s entire re-election was based on fraudulent promises and deliberate mendacity, then was his victory illegitimate? If Americans knew then what they know now — the Obamacare debacle, the moribund economy, the terrorist assault on Benghazi, the IRS scandal and the growth of a soft police state — the president would have lost and lost big.

Mr. Obama’s regime is imploding. It is only because the U.S. system has fixed, four-year presidential terms that he is still in office. Under a parliamentary system, such as that of Britain or Canada, Mr. Obama would either have been forced to call an early election (and be defeated) or face an internal leadership challenge and be driven from power. Instead, he has been reduced to a permanent lame duck. The liberal savior has finally been unmasked.