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Knight: State Should Remove Transgender Child From Home, Charge Parents With Abuse

Washington Times columnist Robert Knight wants the government to remove a transgender child from her parents and charge her parents “with endangerment, abuse and whatever else the authorities can find to deter such criminal insanity.”

Knight is referring to Tammy Lobel, the adopted daughter of a lesbian couple. Tammy, born Thomas, is on hormone blockers to delay puberty and her parents support her decision to live as a girl.

Knight claims that the parents’ support for their “acquired” daughter represents “child abuse,” and said that the only “civilized response to this news is to rescue the boy, revoke the adoption” and prosecute the parents.

According to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry child’s gender identity, despite Knight’s suggestion, is not related to whether they are raised by opposite or same-sex parents. As Zack Ford at Think Progress notes, “Children understand gender by the age of 2, including their own, and Tammy was indicating she was a girl by age 3 and threatening to mutilate her own genitals at age 7,” and Tammy’s disposition and personality significantly improved after she began her transition.

Meanwhile, a bizarre child-abuse case is unfolding in California that the media are ignoring. State authorities should have stepped in long ago to stop the abuse — except that they apparently approve of it. After all, the parents are the perps.

Here’s what’s happening.

Two lesbians in Berkeley are turning their adopted 11-year-old boy into a girl. Seriously. The lad, who they acquired at age 2, is being given drugs via an implant on his left arm to block his puberty. The next step would be a surgery that will mutilate him forever. It’s supposed to be fine because the boy, Thomas, has bought into the idea. The two women say that the drug scheme will give the boy, now named Tammy, more time to think it over.

And we’re supposed to be OK with this?

Children cannot give meaningful consent to such an earth-shattering decision, which is why adults must protect them from their own folly. We must also protect them from child abuse, no matter the source.

The civilized response to this news is to rescue the boy, revoke the adoption and charge the women with endangerment, abuse and whatever else the authorities can find to deter such criminal insanity. The next step would be to take a hard look at an adoption process that allows such horrors to be committed and even encourages them.

Where are the adults? Where are the liberals who so often skate over legitimate parental rights in their quest to use government force to dictate child rearing?