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Knight: Immigration Reform Will Lead to 'One-Party Rule and Socialism'

With Religious Right activists increasingly torn over the debate on immigration reform, American Civil Rights Union senior fellow and Washington Times columnist Robert Knight is warning Republicans of grave consequences if they support the bipartisan Senate bill.

He claims that offering a pathway to citizenship for “unregistered Democrats” means that the GOP will commit “political suicide”: “flooding America with millions more people who have no understanding of constitutional, limited government is a fast track to dependency, one-party rule and socialism.”

The bill would have to go to a House-Senate conference committee, where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid would almost certainly trash border enforcement and ensure mass amnesty for an estimated 11 million illegal aliens, also known as “unregistered Democrats.”

On immigration, the best thing the House could do right now is nothing. The immigration “crisis” did not emerge overnight, and it will take years to sort out. The United States needs a secure border and hard-working, legal immigrants, not anarchy. But Democrats and big-business Republicans are hoping to stampede the House GOP leadership into committing political suicide. Flooding America with millions more people who have no understanding of constitutional, limited government is a fast track to dependency, one-party rule and socialism.

The immigration gambit is part of an overall political game plan that has become strikingly obvious:

Print billions of dollars to keep Wall Street happy while the Main Street economy caves under the weight of thousands of new regulations and impending Obamacare taxes. Issue misleading reports about unemployment that seriously underestimate the number of people out of work.

Make as many people dependent on government as possible. Begin by adding millions of people to achieve a shocking 50 percent increase in food-stamp recipients.

Finally, rely on the media to pretend that the growing abuses of power in Washington, including the Benghazi, Libya, killings and cover-up, the IRS scandal, Fast and Furious, and the NSA’s massive personal-data grab, have nothing to do with “the most transparent administration in history.” These are the people we’re supposed to trust on immigration reform.

What’s that? The media are ticked that the Justice Department seized Associated Press reporters’ phone records and labeled Fox News reporter James Rosen as a possible criminal co-conspirator?

They’ll get over it. Or maybe they’ll start doing their job, such as reporting the real costs of illegal immigration.