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Klayman Proposes 'A Government In Exile' To Combat 'Modern-Day Nazis' In The Obama Administration

Larry Klayman thinks that the Obama presidency is no different, if not worse, than the Nazi occupation of countries like France, and that anti-Obama activists may need to form “a government in exile.”

The Judicial Watch founder, who has fantasized about a coup to oust Obama, writes in his column yesterday that Obama’s opponents may need to take a page from Charles de Gaulle during World War II and establish an alternative government since “our nation in 2013 has indeed been seized by modern-day Nazis, whose methods of enslaving us are far less transparent and potentially equally effective as those of Adolf Hitler.”

Surely the Obama administration and the NSA have to be held legally accountable and so too do those Republicans and other Democrats who have gone along with this outrage. A thorough investigation needs to be undertaken into this gross abuse of the rights of privacy of We the People.

And, that is the reason that Freedom Watch has filed class-action lawsuits against Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and the cell phone and Internet providers who, like Nazi Germany's industrialists, collaborated in this fascist scheme to obviously coerce and blackmail their perceived adversaries into submission.

The nation is now in the hands of despots of all political stripes and, as I have said many times before in these columns, our current state of affairs, while regrettably not yet apparent to the majority of citizens, is much worse than it was in the years leading up to the first American revolution. King George III did not have the technological capability to spy on all who inhabited the colonies. Today, we live in a world where our Founding Fathers would have had their communications intercepted and then been rounded up and imprisoned and executed, before they even had a chance to debate and sign the Declaration of Independence at Constitution Hall in Philadelphia. Couple this with the Obama administration's access to drones, its stockpiling of guns and ammunition and its obvious plans to one day confiscate our guns and thus our means of self defense, and you have a totalitarian state on the present or near horizon.

Yes, the time has come for the American people to rise up and legally rid the nation of Obama and his Democrat and Republican collaborators. As a prelude to this, perhaps we need a government in exile, much like Charles de Gaulle implemented when the Nazis seized control of his country during World War II. Like Vichy France, our nation in 2013 has indeed been seized by modern-day Nazis, whose methods of enslaving us are far less transparent and potentially equally effective as those of Adolf Hitler.