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Kingdom In Politics Is Training Right-Wing Christians to Run for Office for the Purpose of 'Bringing Heaven to Earth'

Wednesday night's World Prayer Network livestream was dedicated entirely to encouraging right-wing Christians to see serving in government as a "mission field" in order to ensure that God's will shall "be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."

An outgrowth of a prayer movement that began in the wake of the 2020 presidential election when religious-right activists began to gather together several times a week to pray for God to intervene and overturn former President Donald Trump's loss, the World Prayer Network has since transformed into a bi-weekly livestream.

While WPN founders, right-wing activists Jim Garlow and Mario Bramnick, often use the program as a conduit for the promotion of wild conspiracy theories, Wednesday night's program featuring a conservative Christian political strategist named Aamon Ross who runs a political consulting business called Kingdom In Politics, the purpose of which is to "prepare and inspire believers to take an active role in politics."

Ross revealed that he got involved in politics in 2016 after literally hearing the voice of God instruct him to do, prompting him to team up with his good friend Kevin Stitt to run Stitt's successful campaign for governor in Oklahoma.

"I was in the business world for 20 years," Ross said. "On a half mission/half business trip to China back in 2016, [I] was walking along the Great Wall and heard the voice of God—literally—and it scared me to death. He said, 'Aamon, you think too small. You don't think generationally,' I came back to the states, meeting with one of my really good friends and shared that. He said, 'What do you think it means?' I said, 'For some reason, I feel like God wants you and me to put godly leaders in positions of authority in the political sphere.' He said, 'Don't tell anybody, but I'm thinking God's calling me to run for governor.' So I ended up leaving the business world and ran his campaign for governor with zero political experience. ... He won the general election, so he's actually now in his second term as governor of Oklahoma, doing an incredible job bringing Kingdom ideals there."

Ross’s reference to putting “godly leaders in positions of authority in the political sphere” seems to be a reference to Seven Mountains dominionism, which Garlow and Bramnick promote, and that movement’s intention to put right-wing Christians in authority over every “mountain” or “sphere” of cultural influence in society, including government.

Stitt is a Christian nationalist who last year dedicated "every square inch" of Oklahoma to Jesus.

Ross then revealed that it is the goal of his organization to recruit "1,000 churches to commit to run one person for school board" and to "raise up 100,000 believers to run for office over the next 10 years."

Ross declared that it is imperative that conservative Christians begin to see serving in government at all levels as a "mission field," which means penetrating an area of society for the purpose of spreading Christianity and implementing its teaching.

"They are trying to cancel Jesus," Ross declared. "We want to be leaders, and we want to set the tone and set the country on a path to kingdom [principles]. The Lord's Prayer, right? Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. How does that happen if we're not the ones bringing Heaven to Earth? ... What if the world of politics is the next big mission field? What if we viewed this as we're sending missionaries into city council, we're sending missionaries into the state House or Senate, we're sending them to Congress. If we started viewing the world of politics like the next big mission field, I think we could make a dramatic difference in just a couple of short years."

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