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Keyes: Obama At Notre Dame As Bad As Catholic Molestation Scandal

Last week Alan Keyes got himself arrested(link is external) for trespassing at the University of Notre Dame during a protest regarding President Obama’s upcoming commencement speech. After he was released from jail, he vowed to return(link is external) to the campus and reportedly plans to get himself arrested once again(link is external).

Why all the grandstanding and hullabaloo, you ask?  Because, says Keyes, this planned speech by Obama is as grave a threat to the Catholic Church as any it has ever faced, including the sexual abuse scandals that rocked it a few years back(link is external):

Former Republican presidential candidate Alan Keyes, who ran against Obama for the U.S. Senate seat in Illinois in 2004, also criticized the university's decision to honor Obama.

"The invitation was in and of itself a scandalous action," Keyes told Keyes announced that he is planning to go to Notre Dame this weekend and be arrested if necessary for protesting Obama's appearance.

"Scandal, as you know, induces others to sin," he said. "This is as great a crisis for the Catholic church as the crisis that occurred some years back with the abuse."

On a related note, now all of those Notre Dame students who don't want to be in the audience when Obama speaks will have an alternative event to attend - a prayer rally with militant anti-choice activist Frank Pavone(link is external):

Notre Dame students who don't want to attend a graduation ceremony involving pro-abortion President Barack Obama put together alternate plans. Today, they announced that Father Frank Pavone, the director of Priests for Life, will lead prayer at a pro-life prayer vigil.

The Class of 2009 Vigil for Life will be celebrated at Sunday's commencement ceremony at the same time as the graduation event.

“In standing with these students, I am standing with the true spirit of Notre Dame: a pro-life spirit, in harmony with human reason and Catholic Faith," Father Pavone told on Monday.

"The scandal that has been generated does not represent what Notre Dame is all about," Pavone added. "It represents a radical betrayal of what Notre Dame is all about."


Pavone told he thinks pro-life students should exercise their right not to attend the graduation ceremony, where President Obama will give the commencement address and receive an honorary degree.

"One final response to this scandal is fully in the control of each graduating senior: don't show up. Don't participate in an event which will only serve to obscure rather than highlight the Church’s pro-life teaching and the true spirit of Notre Dame," Pavone continued.

"The seniors who do this are manifesting the real meaning of commencement: they are carrying out the witness to truth and service that their hard-earned degrees have prepared them to give in the world," he added.