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Ken Ham: 'Homosexual Behavior' A Sign That 'This Nation Is Under Judgment'

WorldNetDaily is preparing for its annual “9/11 Day of Prayer and Repentance,” an effort to win God’s hand of protection back to America after “the beginning of the removal of our nation’s blessings” in the 2001 terrorist attacks, something that WND reports is “more important than ever” in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision striking down gay marriage bans. In this effort, WND has the support of such Religious Right leaders as Chuck Norris and former Rep. Michele Bachmann.

WND also recorded a Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link"> number of promotional videos with Religious Right leaders who were attending the National Religious Broadcasters convention earlier this year, including Ken Ham, the creationist behind Answers In Genesis and the Creation Museum, who agreed with the central premise of the event, which is that 9/11 was a warning sign from God that America continues to ignore, as proven by increasing support for things like gay rights.

“Personally, I believe from a perspective of reading Romans 1, that this nation is under judgment from God,” Ham explained. “The wrath of God revealed against those who rebel against him in Romans 1. And one of the signs of even God judging a nation and withdrawing the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit, one of the signs is the sign of homosexual behavior, as it says in Romans 1. And I believe we’re seeing that in this nation, I believe this nation is under judgment. “

Ham added that America must also repent because “this nation is throwing God out of the culture more and more, it’s throwing God out of the public schools, out of the culture, and murdering millions of children in their mothers wombs.”

Richard Land, the former top political official at the Southern Baptist Convention, pinned the blame for God’s judgment on Christians getting divorced, having abortions, and having sex out of wedlock.

“As long as we’ve got known sin in our lives, as long as there is virtually no statistical difference between the number of Christians who are getting divorced and the number of non-Christians who are getting divorced, the number of Christian women who are having abortions and the number of non-Christian women who are having abortions, the number of Christian young people who aren’t married who are having sex and the number of non-Christian young people who are having sex, God is not going to bless America,” Land told WND.