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Kelli Ward Claims U.S. Government Funds ISIS

Yesterday on “The John Fredericks Show,” Arizona Republican state Sen. Kelli Ward, who is challenging Sen. John McCain in the state's GOP primary, claimed that the American government has “armed ISIS” and used over $1 billion to train and provide resources to the extremist group.

Ward called Hillary Clinton and McCain “two peas in a pod” when it comes to their “invade the world, invite the world” foreign policy.

“We have nation building abroad and we have open borders at home, we end up with terrorist attacks,” Ward said. “And what we’ve seen because we’ve armed ISIS – and I’m gonna put it right out there, the American government, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, have armed ISIS. Even in this year’s National Defense Authorization Act, $1.3 billion put in there by John McCain to fund 'freedom fighters,' I’m putting it in air quotes, 'freedom fighters' in the Middle East, in Syria. 

"And we did that before. We put in half a billion dollars – half a ‘b,’ billion, dollars – and we got four or five good rebels who fought for us, and the rest of that money, the rest of that training, the rest of those resources went into ISIS, and so now we’ve got bodies, we’ve got bodies from Benghazi to Orlando, and it’s all on the hands of the people who are in Washington, D.C., right now.”

The claim that the U.S. has armed ISIS is, of course, completely false.