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Keller: 'The Homosexual Community and Media' are to Blame for Tyler Clementi's Suicide

After blaming the gay community for the suicide of Jamie Hubley, today evangelist Bill Keller is holding prominent gay and lesbian figures like Rachel Maddow and Ellen DeGeneres responsible for Tyler Clementi’s suicide:

Bill Keller, the world's leading Internet Evangelist and the founder of, with over 2.4 million subscribers worldwide reading the daily devotional he has written every morning for 12 years on the issues of the day from a Biblcial [sic] worldview, says Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow, Ellen DeGeneres, the media, and gutless pastors are guilty for the death of Rutgers student Tyler Clementi, not Dharun Ravi!

A New Jersey court today found Dharun Ravi guilty of a "hate crime" in the death of his roommate Tyler Clementi, who committed suicide after being video taped in a homosexual relationship. Liveprayer's Bill Keller said that it is those in the media who glamorize and promote this choice as normal and acceptable, along with gutless pastors too afraid to speak out against this sin, and faux churches that glorify this deviant, unnatural, and unhealthy choice of sexual activity, who are the real guilty parties in Clementi's death.

Keller stated, "Sadly we deal with the loved ones of those who commit suicide every day. Suicide is a desperate and selfish act that is ultimately the sole responsibility of the person who made the choice to end their life. Everyone who commits suicide has reasons that led them to make such a horrible decision. The fact is, suicide is exponentially higher amongst those who choose the homosexual lifestyle, and while those in the media want to blame people like myself who take a Biblical stand on this issue, the fact is, they are the ones most responsible!"

Keller goes on, "It is the homosexual community and media who promote this lifestyle to society, forcing it to validate legally and ethically this choice of sexual behavior and relationships to our children as normal, even desirable behavior!" He adds, "The Bible says in the last days the truth will become a lie, and the lie the truth."

Matt Barber called the prosecution of the case "scary stuff" in an interview with OneNewsNow:

Reacting to the conviction, Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel Action warns there is a double standard involved.

"If the same circumstances occurred ... but Tyler Clementi had identified as a heterosexual, there is no dispute that we would not be talking about these additional charges and the conviction," he suggests. "So essentially, we see that we have varying classes of victims. All victims are not created equal."

Barber takes the situation one step further, asking if in the event someone "outs" a closeted homosexual and the homosexual commits suicide, could that person then be criminally liable for the deed? "This other individual is now charged with a crime because of what the suicide victim has done to himself?" he wonders. "This is scary. This is scary stuff."

In light of this verdict, the attorney also expresses concern of whether one day it could be considered a criminal act when a Christian speaks out about the sin of homosexuality.

Clementi, 18, jumped to his death from New York's George Washington Bridge days after the spying in September 2010.