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Just a Reminder: Lisa Miller Is Still Missing

It has now been more than six months since Lisa Miller disappeared(link is external) with her daughter in order to avoid complying with court-ordered custody agreements ... and she is still nowhere to be found. 

But that doesn't mean that her attorney's at Liberty Counsel have given up defending her, as they are headed back to court(link is external) at the end of the month to argue Miller's case: 

A bitter child custody battle between former lesbian partners is headed back to court in Vermont, even though the 8-year-old girl at the heart of it remains missing.

Isabella Miller-Jenkins and birth mother Lisa Miller, of Forest, Va., failed to appear for a court-ordered Jan. 1 custody swap in which Miller's former partner — Janet Jenkins — was to get the girl.

The girl is now listed as missing, but the fight over her goes on.

On June 23, the Vermont Supreme Court will hear arguments from Miller's attorneys who say a Family Court judge erred last November in awarding custody to Jenkins, of Fair Haven, Vt., who's not the biological mother.

Liberty Counsel has been almost completely unwilling to comment on Miller's disappearance except to say that it doesn't know where she is and that it had hired a service to try and locate her. 

That was more than three months ago(link is external).

But just because Miller kidnapped her daughter and disappeared so as to avoid court orders, that is not going to stop Liberty Counsel from going back to court to argue that it was the judge who got it wrong.