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Judson Phillips: 'Could Ferguson Be Their Dress Rehearsal For Something Bigger?'

In a blog post that he emailed to his group’s members today, Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips asks why “the left is so focused on Ferguson” and concludes that the explanation must be not that “they care anything about the dead gang banger” but that they want to violently topple “the American system.”

“Could Ferguson be their dress rehearsal for something bigger?” he asks.

Phillips calls on “real Americans” to step in and stop the effort to use welfare to collapse the economy, leading to violent riots and the ultimate goal of building a new system featuring “tyranny, poverty and mass murder.”

But why is the left so focused on Ferguson?

Could Ferguson be their dress rehearsal for something bigger?

Look at the groups at Ferguson. You have every type of far left anti-American group from ANSWER to the Revolutionary Communist Party. There are even some radical Islamist groups there.

First, do you think they care anything about the dead gang banger?

Not in the least.

They want to create trouble.

All of these groups have a couple of things in common. The hate the American system that has made us a free, great and prosperous nation and they want to bring that system down. They would prefer to do that violently.

While these groups have different ideas about the systems they want to replace the American Republic with, all of their choices have a few common denominators. None have liberty. They all feature tyranny, poverty and mass murder.

But why Ferguson?

The left has constantly sponsored the never ending expansion of the welfare state. Barack Obama, in his Amnesty is welcoming millions of illegal aliens to America and giving them welfare benefits. The Great Society created a permanent welfare class when it was passed in 1965.

But as Margaret Thatcher once warned in Great Britain, “The problem with socialism is sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”

The welfare state in America is unsustainable. That’s not a political point. That is a mathematical point. America has over $105 Trillion in unfunded liabilities. With a Gross Domestic Product of only $16 trillion a year, it is obvious America has some serious fiscal issues.

At some point, the budget will have to be cut and spending will have to be curtailed. What happens then?

In many European nations, such as Greece, when welfare benefits were cut, rioting followed.

Is that what is really going on in Ferguson?

Are these groups using Ferguson as a testing ground for their tactics in a future larger round of civil unrest?

Given their goals and the histories of these groups, that is a perfectly logical explanation.

For real Americans, this should be our clarion call. If these groups have their way, we will see real violence in the future, all across America.

And the scary thought is that Barack Obama is encouraging them.