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Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton: Trump Should Have Shut Down Russia Investigation

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Tom Fitton, the president of right-wing legal group Judicial Watch, told Breitbart News radio listeners this morning that the president should have acted to shut down the special counsel investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election.

Fitton joined Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow on SiriusXM Patriot’s “Breitbart News Daily” program this morning to continue his trip around the right-wing media circuit alleging that the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report should be interpreted as exonerating evidence, and that Trump was the victim of an abuse of power. Right-wing media, with Fitton at the front of the charge, have demanded that a new investigation be launched to “investigate the investigators” involved in the early stages of the probe into Russia’s role in the election, and contacts by the Trump campaign team with agents of the Russian government. Fitton said that investigators knew that Trump was innocent but were “hoping to get the president on a fraud obstruction charge”

“He being accused of acting as president, meaning considering hiring and firing people, and they’re changing into, ‘Well, that could possibly be obstruction,’” Fitton said, apparently alluding to the president’s firing of then-FBI Director James Comey.

Fitton added, “This Mueller operation, when they talk about the president wanting to shut it down—the president should have shut it down. And I wish the people around him hadn’t tried to, quote, ‘protect’ him—which is just baloney—and done what he wanted to do, which was to shut it all down because it was an abuse of power by the Justice Department.”

Marlow went on to compare the release of the Mueller report as media’s “Jonestown” moment, referring to the mass “suicide” of People’s Temple cult followers in 1978.