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Joyner: Japan Earthquake Will Unleash Demonic Nazism on America

Last week we noted that the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins had teamed up with Jerry Boykin and Rick Joyner to form some Spatran-like army of activists called 300 that is going to rise up and save America from the forces of evil bent on its destruction.

Today, Sarah Posner alerted us to a new video from Joyner discussing the significance of the earthquake in Japan.  Whereas the other self-proclaimed prophets in the movement like Cindy Jacobs and Chuck Pierce have said the tragedy was God's effort to shake the nation free of its pagan religious idolatry, Joyner sees something much more dire.

As he explains it, the demonic principalities responsible for Nazism in Germany were going to attempt to take over the United States and, according to the prophetic visions of Joyner and others, it would happen amid a massive economic collapse that would start with an earthquake in Japan. As such, given the devastation caused by this earthquake, Japan will need to call in the American debt to rebuild their nation, unleashing an economic catastrophe in the US and thereby opening the door for this demonic Nazi force to take root: