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Josh Bernstein Guarantees He Can Get Trump A 20-Point Lead Over Hillary

TheDove TV’s “Focus Today” show on Monday featured conservative commentator Josh Bernstein, who claimed that if Donald Trump's campaign would hire him, he could "guarantee" to get the presumptive GOP nominee a 20-point lead over Hillary Clinton by August 1, presumably through his brilliant plan to have Trump feature female speakers at the Republican National Convention in an effort to combat his sexist, racist image.

Trump should "turn the convention into literally a Lifetime Channel type of convention,” Benstein advised. “I would have three- or four-to-one female speakers over male speakers, preferably folks that worked for him, that came up through the Trump organization and can tell their personal stories about Donald Trump, because the left and the media has painted him as some kind of sexist or racist and I think that those images can be put on display.”

Bernstein also recommended that the Trump campaign should "hire me, because I guarantee I can get him over 20 points by August 1.”