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Josh Bernstein and Bill Deagle Are Ready to Wage Violent Civil War If Trump Loses

(Image art: Jared Holt)

Radical(link is external) right(link is external)wing(link is external) commentator(link is external) Josh Bernstein appeared on(link is external) "The NutriMedical Report" Tuesday, where he and host Bill Deagle repeatedly vowed to wage a violent civil war and kill left-wing activists if they "steal" the election from President Donald Trump.

Given that Bernstein has repeatedly insisted(link is external) that any Joe Biden win will be due only to "massive voter fraud" and therefore illegitimate, it seems as if he and Deagle are fully prepared to engage in violence unless Trump is reelected.

"We have enemies within our country," Bernstein said. "These people hate this country, they hate our founding, they hate our principles. And basically, these are the people that we fought in World War I and World War II. These are Nazis that we had to kill in foreign lands. They are now here. They have now been born here, bred here, generation after generation, they have gotten more and more radical. And unfortunately, we're going to have to deal with them here physically in the street in this country."

"These scumbags are here in this country," he continued. "We now have the Nazi regime here in America, and they're trying to kill us here, so we're going to have to fight them, unfortunately, here in America. And that's why there's going to be another civil war. I don't know when it's going to happen. But it's almost guaranteed certain going to happen."

"There's 23 million ex-military who are going to train young people," Deagle responded. "So, we're gonna have a massive internal army to take on [China] or the United Nations or anybody who thinks they're gonna pull off this crap. If they think they're gonna take our guns, like Charlton Heston said, 'We'll give you our guns back one bullet at a time.'"

Bernstein predicted that those living in "suburban areas and rural areas" will join forces and "converge into the urban cities" to wage war.

"We're going to have the guns," Bernstein said, "and we're going to do what we have to do to protect this country. ... They're going to be ambushed. They won't even know what's happening. And trust me, people like me and many others behind the scenes will be coordinating things quietly in the background to make sure that it's happening."

"If they steal this from Trump, there's 65 plus million Americans thirsting for revenge," he added.

Deagle then piped up to note that "there's 93 million armed Americans and 23 million veterans" with access to a vast array of weapons.

"If you think out there, you moron Hollywood maniacs, that we're going to be passive and just roll over like the Soviet Union or China, we're gonna kill you so fast you won't know you don't have a frickin' pulse," Deagle said. "So, you need to know that this is the end of your life. I mean, no matter how smart and rich you think you are, you're gonna die trying to pull off this kind of crap because we're not gonna put up with it."

"The people we're gonna target are going to be these left-wing groups out there," Bernstein replied. "Let me say this to the hard left Marxists out there, to the antifa, to the Black Lives Matter, to the left-wing groups that are funding them, to the Right Wing Watches, to all those people out there: We are ready, willing, and able to do what we have to do to protect this nation and to make sure that this country is never going to be a communist nation. And if it's an us versus them situation, trust me, it's going to be them, not us."