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Joseph Farah: Obama May Seek Third Term By Indicting Hillary

WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah is obsessed with the conspiracy theory that President Obama intends to remain in office indefinitely, writing yet another column today in his signature just asking the question style about how Obama may remain president past his second term.

In the latest version of his claim, Farah alleges that Obama may have Hillary Clinton indicted over the relationship between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation after she wins the presidential election.

That way, he says, Obama “will create a constitutional crisis” and attempt to stay in the White House.

So what if – and it’s a big “if” – Obama is holding something back? Suppose he has actually authorized a probe of what she did as secretary of state to benefit herself and the Clinton Foundation.

Is it possible he might use the findings – and, believe me, they are not hard to find – to indict her between Election Day and Jan. 17, while he is still president?

If she is indicted on serious charges, she will not be permitted to take the oath of office. Neither will Tim Kaine be permitted to assume the office of the president because he will not yet be vice president.

The whole thing will create a constitutional crisis. The next in line, House Speaker Paul Ryan, will not be allowed to assume the presidency, either, because there is a sitting president.

If this admittedly unlikely and far-fetched scenario occurs, it will demonstrate that Obama has been planning it for quite some time. That’s why I’m telling you about the remote possibility now.

Had Hillary been indicted during the campaign, as she should have been, this whole scenario would not have been possible. The Democrats would have been forced to nominate another candidate – probably Bernie Sanders. Of course, we know the Democratic Party establishment would not have allowed that under any circumstances.

Think about it.