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Joseph Farah: Obama Is 'At War With God'

WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah is upset that Republican congressional candidate Samuel Wurzelbacher, better known as Joe the Plumber, believes President Obama is a Christian (which he explained in a rather peculiar and patronizing letter to David Brody), because according to Farah, Obama “has been at war with God before he took office and ever since”:

But what is the evidence of Obama’s Christian faith? His attendance for 20 years in Jeremiah Wright’s schizoid, America-hating, Liberation Theology cult? What does this have to do the Jesus? Nothing.

Is this naiveté on Joe the Plumber’s part, or is this politics?

Where is the evidence that Jesus is the Lord of Barack Obama’s life? Calling oneself a Christian does not mean one is a Christian.

Yet, Joe the Plumber insists he doesn’t question Obama’s faith.

“I don’t question his faith, and when I read or hear people claiming he’s not a Christian because of this or that, I don’t like it,” he wrote in his letter to CBN. “[But] Barack Obama once famously told me he just wanted to spread the wealth around and I take him at his word about that as well. After three years of watching the policies he’s put forth, the agenda he’s pushed and the detrimental effect it’s had on our country, I don’t question it one bit.”

How about this?

• his support of same-sex marriage

• his support of open homosexual activity in the military

• his support of killing innocent babies in the womb

• his support for withholding life support for survivors of abortion

• his support for forcing those of Christian conscience to provide sterilization and abortion services to their employees through mandatory health-care programs

Barack Obama has been at war with God before he took office and ever since.