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Joseph Farah Declares That WND Has Been Saved, Will Now Operate Partly As A Nonprofit

Joseph Farah speaks at a microphone
WorldNetDaily founder Joseph Farah (Photo: Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons)

Over the past two months, WorldNetDaily founder Joseph Farah has been sending fundraising pitches to his readers, claiming that the far-right news site was running on fumes thanks in part to Facebook and Google “shamelessly writing algorithms with the intent of minimizing access to WND.”

Farah wrote in a January blog post:

I’m asking for the help of those who recognize the unique role WND plays in reaching the God-fearing American audience that, like us, supports limited government, national sovereignty and the traditional Judeo-Christian values that made America truly great.

Donald Trump can’t fight this monster alone. He needs strong voices like WND’s to help him accomplish his genuinely pro-American agenda and, at the same time, “drain the swamp.” WND played a critical role in the 2016 election, and we are facing a critical election in 2018.

This morning, Farah sent out an email announcing that the fundraising drive had succeeded in raising $200,000 for the site, declaring: “Mission accomplished! Operation ‘Save WND’ successful.”

Farah writes that thanks to this new financial “cushion,” he is now pursuing plans to do some of WND’s work through a nonprofit—donations to which will be tax deductible—and that other work will be funded by an yet-to-be-announced “revolutionary” new revenue stream:

  • We are working with a non-profit foundation through which we can more efficiently produce the kind of content that makes WND unique as an independent media pioneer and a Christian one at that. Once we’ve got everything set up – and we hope that is soon – we’ll have a way for future contributions to supplement WND’s content to be tax-deductible.
  • We are developing a new revenue stream that is very exciting – even revolutionary, I would say. And that’s what it takes for independent media to survive and flourish when they are playing on an uneven playing field designed that way purposely by the Internet Cartel to make our work next to impossible. More on that to come shortly.