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Jonathan Cahn: Trump's Election Was Foretold By The Bible

Messianic rabbi and Religious Right activist Jonathan Cahn has built a career out of publishing books that claim to reveal how current events were foretold thousands of years ago in the Bible.

In “The Harbinger,” he attempted to explain how the 9/11 terrorist attacks were foretold in the Book of Isaiah and how the subsequent construction of the Freedom Tower was an act of defiance against God that would lead to further judgment. With "The Mystery of the Shemitah," Cahn attempted to warn the nation of a massive calamity that would befall America on September 13, 2015.

The predicted calamity never occurred, but that has not tarnished Cahn's reputation among the Religious Right, as he is now making the rounds promoting his latest book, "The Paradigm: The Ancient Blueprint That Holds the Mystery of Our Times."

During a recent appearance on "It's Supernatural with Sid Roth," Cahn told guest host Michael Brown that the elections of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Donald Trump had all been foretold in the Bible, specifically, in a handful of chapters out of 1 & 2 Kings.

As Cahn explained, Bill and Hillary Clinton are the modern day versions of the ancient king and queen of Israel, Ahab and Jezebel.

"We are replaying an ancient mystery, where we are right now, and it is amazing and it's true and it's real," Cahn said. "In the Bible, there is a king who rises up and he is the first one who pioneers, who is pushing, Baal worship. And the name is Ahab ... He is the first one to actually champion from the throne Baal worship, which is the offering up of children. Now, could there be parallel? Well, there is. There is a man who rises as president, he is Bill Clinton, he is going to follow the template of Ahab."

Cahn said that just as Ahab's wife, Jezebel, was "a champion of Baal worship," so too was Hillary Clinton "an advocate of female power and advocate of abortion."

Cahn went on to claim that just as the Clintons are modern day version of Ahab and Jezebel, Donald Trump is a modern day version of Jehu, who was raised up by God to become king and to slay Jezebel.

"He's a warrior, he's a fighter, he fights with everybody," Cahn said. "His name is Jehu ... He's used by God, but he's the most unlikely person."

Cahn said that if people had been aware of this miraculous parallel during the campaign, it would have been obvious that Trump would win the election because, in the Bible, "when the warrior meets the former queen, the warrior will defeat the former queen and there will be a downfall and that's exactly what happened."

"He wins and Jehu heads to the capital city," Cahn said. "Why does he head to the capital city? To drain the swamp! Absolutely. And Jehu, specifically, is ending Baal worship, which is the offering up of children. So even Trump puts as his agenda, we want to dismantle this, which leads to the next thing and that is when he goes there, he actually destroys the Temple of Baal in the capital city. Now the Temple of Baal was built by Ahab, so he starts dismantling the system of killing children. Well, one of the first things Trump did was sign the the executive orders to try to dismantle it."