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Jonathan Cahn Knows We're In The End Times Because 'We're Seeing Things That Even Sodom And Gomorrah Didn't See'

When End Times Messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn appeared on Glenn Beck's radio program last year, it was to warn that America was going to suffer a massive calamity—possibly an economic meltdown, possibly a terrorist attack, possibly a natural disaster—on September 13, 2015.

Obviously, that didn't happen, but that hasn't rattled Beck's faith in Cahn's prophetic gifts, so he brought him back on his radio program today to promote his latest book, "The Book of Mysteries," and to warn that the world is now living in the End Times.

In the last days, Cahn said, the Bible warns that "before the end comes, there will be a great falling away from the faith, now we see that ... It's a civilization falling away from the ways of God. Well, we're watching it, we're talking about it."

"In the same days when you see culture falling away from the ways of God," he said, "you're going to see ... man departing from the state of manhood, women departing from womanhood, marriage departing from the state marriage, family from the state of family, all of these things we are watching. You want to know the reason why we're hearing all these things, why the news, the blending of gender, all of these things? It goes right to the word that was hidden 2,000 years ago."

When Beck pointed out that just about every generation of Christians throughout history has been convinced that it was living in the End Times, Cahn insisted that this time is different because "we've never seen a falling away to this degree. I mean, we're seeing things that even Sodom and Gomorrah didn't see. So we're seeing things that are unprecedented."