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John Hagee Blames 'Nasty' Welfare Recipients, 'Pedophile' Immigrants For Unraveling Of America

Although John Hagee said in his sermon Sunday that the “greatest problem in this nation” are pro-choice or gay-affirming “counterfeit Christians,” he also ran through a number of other issues that he fears imperil the nation’s survival.

One of these was social safety net programs. “To those of you who are sick, to those of you who are elderly, to those of you who are disabled, we gladly support you,” he said. “To the healthy who can work but won’t work, get your nasty self off the couch and go get a job!”

“America has rewarded laziness and we’ve called it welfare,” he said, adding that “God’s position” is that “the man who does not work shall not eat.”

Hagee also linked the possible doom of America to the crisis of unaccompanied minors fleeing violence in Central America, who he claimed are being used for cover by “rapists, murderers, pedophiles, drug pushers, terrorists” who are “being treated like royalty at your expense.”