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John Guandolo Wants Black Lives Matter and Antifa Leaders Rounded Up and Executed

Anti-Muslim activist John Guandolo (Image from video of South Carolina Tea Party Coalition's 2018 convention)

Understanding The Threat's John Guandolo, a disgraced former FBI agent, right-wing conspiracy theorist, and anti-Islam activist, appeared on the American Pastors Network's "Stand in the Gap" radio program yesterday where he declared that military leaders who disagreed with President Donald Trump's plans to use troops to quash the nationwide George Floyd protests are guilty of treason and that the leaders of Black Lives Matter and anti-fascist groups should be rounded up and executed.

Guandolo, who has repeatedly called for those with whom he disagrees to be charged with treason, was furious about the protests over Floyd's killing by the police and the subsequent calls to reform the current law enforcement system.

"[Floyd] was a thug. He was a violent criminal, and he was on meth when they arrested him, so spare me," Guandolo fumed. "Let's first identify some of the most dangerous players in putting forth narratives that directly support our enemies. How about the Secretary of Defense [Mark] Esper? How about General [James] Mattis, Admiral [Michael] Mullen, George W. Bush, Nikki Haley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—Admiral [Mark] Milley—this morning overtly comes out against the president of the United States. This is sedition and treason at a time when the country is at war with identifiable enemies, and these people need to be held accountable."

"It's time to start crushing these enemies," he continued. "The leaders of this defund the police movement are communists and jihadis. They're Muslim Brotherhood organized organizations like the Islamic Circle of North America, the Islamic Society of North America. They're designated terrorist groups like Hamas, the Council of American Islamic Relations. They are leaders of communist organizations like Black Lives Matter and antifa, and as this country has done in the past, we should round up the leaders and execute them for trying to revolt and overthrow the government. And if this doesn't happen soon, we will lose this."