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John Cornyn Meets With And Supports Dr. Steve Hotze

Just last week, Dr. Steve Hotze made news for sending out a Republican Party fundraising letter in which he declared that "our Founding Fathers would be furious to find out that the Constitution was being interpreted to allow sodomites to marry."

This sort of rhetoric is not at all surprising coming from someone like Hotze, who was responsible for anti-gay mailings that attacked Houston mayor Annise Parker and who believes that "medical problems are frequently caused by personal sin":

Hotze was able to better articulate his views in 1986, when he was one of dozens of ministers, professionals and laypersons who signed the Coalition on Revival's Manifesto for the Christian Church. The coalition claims on its Web site to be a national network of religious leaders aligned in a mission "to help the Church rebuild civilization on the principles of the Bible so God's will may be done on earth as it is in heaven." They want all aspects of life -- government, science and education -- to adhere to fundamental biblical beliefs. These beliefs include the following:

• A wife may work outside the home only with her husband's consent

• "Biblical spanking" that results in "temporary or superficial bruises or welts" should not be considered a crime

• No doctor shall provide medical service on the Sabbath

• All disease and disability is caused by the sin of Adam and Eve

• Medical problems are frequently caused by personal sin

• "Increased longevity generally results from obedience to specific Biblical commands"

• Treatment of the "physical body" is not a doctor's highest priority

• Doctors have a priestly calling

• People receiving medical treatment are not immune from divine intervention or demonic forces

• Physicians should preach to their patients because salvation is the key to their health

So naturally, when Hotze was in Washington, DC last week, he was invited to have a personal meeting with Sen. John Cornyn to discuss Cornyn's support for Hotze's lawsuit against Obamacare: