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Joel Gilbert Claims Obama Stole Election With NSA Data, Letting Disabled People Vote

Conspiracy theorist and filmmaker Joel Gilbert did his best to win the 2012 presidential election for Mitt Romney by sending millions of swing state households copies of his movie, Dreams From My Real Father, which alleges that President Obama is hiding secret communist ancestry. But his plan didn’t work, and Gilbert has a pretty good idea as to why.

In an interview with Denver radio host Peter Boyles this week, Gilbert explained his theory that the Obama campaign’s renowned voter database was based on secret NSA data. This is the only possible explanation, Gilbert says, because “I don’t think they Googled everybody in the country.”

He then explained that President Obama and the First Lady’s decision to cast early votes was in fact a “signal to their followers” to commit voter fraud. “I think a large percentage of those on absentee voted again on Election Day,” Gilbert said, estimating that these double-voting Obama supporters made up as much as 25 percent of the electorate.

“Romney actually won the election on Election Day,” he added. “But because they had stacked the vote through absentee ballots, through dead people, homeless, disabled people, people voting two, three times, I believe that’s how they knew they would win the election.”

It’s unclear if Gilbert knows that while dead people aren’t allowed to vote, the homeless and disabled are.

Gilbert: Obama could have used the NSA. Don’t forget, there was that incredible database that the Obama campaign used that had all these details on everybody, and they were able to have this amazing, I don’t think they Googled everybody in the country to create a database. I have to assume that the Obama campaign used the NSA data to categorize and reach out to a large group of potential voters.

Gilbert: A lot of it has to do with voter fraud, it has to do with manipulating the system. They were very confident that they would win this last election.

Boyles: Did Barack Obama vote or not vote? I’ve read different theories that he didn’t vote.

Gilbert: Well, exactly. For the first time ever… Usually you see a candidate, the president of the United States, you see him voting on Election Day. First time ever, and this revealed their game plan, Michelle voted two months an advance on the absentee ballot, and this was their game, Obama voted a week in advance on the early voting.

Boyles: Yes, because usually when I was a kid, you saw Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, you saw Jack Kennedy in Hyannis…

Gilbert: Well, absolutely, you saw Bush, Clinton. Going to vote is part of the ritual. This was their game plan, was to stack the election through absentee and early voting. So, Michelle said, ‘I’m too busy, I’m a single mother, so I voted early.’ In reality, this was a signal to their followers, for everybody to get an absentee ballot. And I think a large percentage of those on absentee voted again on Election Day.

Boyles: You do?

Gilbert: Absolutely. So in reality, about 25 percent of the electorate voted prior to Election Day. Romney actually won the election on Election Day. But because they had stacked the vote through absentee ballots, through dead people, homeless, disabled people, people voting two, three times, I believe that’s how they knew they would win the election, along with the fact that they knew they had suppressed the organizing of the conservatives through the IRS.