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Jim Simpson: Immigrants Will 'Destroy The Culture,' Usher In 'Despotic Governments'

Jim Simpson, an activist who works with Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy to oppose U.S. refugee resettlement efforts, claimed earlier this month that liberals support refugee resettlement and other immigration measures because they want to “destroy the culture” and ultimately “create a huge pool of voters” that they can use to institute “despotic governments.”

Speaking with Alaska talk radio host and former GOP Senate nominee Joe Miller in a program that was posted online on Saturday, Simpson said that “the illegal alien, open borders agenda, the refugee resettlement agenda, for that matter, they all serve all of the left’s strategies.”

It all started, he said, with Sen. Ted Kennedy’s immigration and refugee resettlement efforts.

“His goal was to see America swamped with as many people from as many disparate cultures, poor cultures around the world as he possibly could,” Simpson explained. “That guaranteed two things. It guaranteed, one, that we would have a huge and growing population of needy people who would require government benefits, something perfectly tailored for the Democrats to go out and purchase votes by providing those benefits.

“And, two, to dilute the American culture to the point where it’s unrecognizable, to the point where you and me as red-blooded Americans are just two people on the block among eight or 10 others who are from all over the world and who could care less about the Constitution, could care less about the freedoms that we hold dear, could care less about the American dream and all of the things that go with it. They want the benefits but they don’t want the associated responsibilities. And the Democrats, it’s a perfect recipe for them to amass power. Why? Because you have a population of needy people and, two, those needy people will vote for you.”

Later in the program, Simpson added that refugee resettlement is part of a UN plot “to not merely redistribute income but to redistribute populations around the world and take people from poor countries and move them into wealthy countries as a means of redistributing, so that they can share the benefits of the wealthy countries that they have not been able to before.”

But, he said, “the true agenda” of refugee resettlement and immigration “is much more malevolent.” Liberals, he said, are using immigration “to destroy the culture, to suck up welfare resources and to create a huge pool of voters that will allow the radical left to gain an unbeatable majority for the foreseeable future and after that we will see institution of despotic governments.”