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Jim Garrow & Pete Santilli Now Openly Calling For Military Coup Against Obama

Jim Garrow brought his tall tale about President Obama trying to murder him to The Pete Santilli Show on Friday, where he also plugged the anti-Obama Operation American Spring. Santilli, the radio host who called for the murder of Obama and for Hillary Clinton to be “shot in the vagina” and has advocated for violence against the government, said that a national strike and even a military coup is necessary to bring down the Obama administration.

“I’m not calling for — well, yes I’m calling for the military to restore our Republic. Is it a military coup? I would say that it’s probably the most orderly fashion to do this,” Santilli told Garrow, who responded that it would take just “three percent of the population to rise up” and “control the country.”

Santilli: That change that we’re referring to, and I do have hope that it could be done if we have the numbers and we do have the numbers, if 300 million people who we could potentially get to rise up and if we had them all standing in the streets, standing still with a national strike and shut the economic system down, it cuts off the lifeblood of the elite, they no longer have that wealth flow. But that change, because we’ve spent decades ignoring this, they’ve been preparing for this for tens of years, for the past thirty or forty years internally to use all of these tactics that we’ve used to save the entire world, to police the world, to spread freedom throughout the world, now all of these tactics are being used against us by domestic enemies. But I think that that change must come forcefully, it has to happen in a short period of time. I say forcefully in that we need to abruptly let Obama know, it is time for you to go, you need to resign, you need to leave.

We have an opportunity here where our military commanders can affect arrests on these criminals. Do we not? Do you think that’s going to happen? I’m not calling for — well, yes I’m calling for the military to restore our Republic. Is it a military coup? I would say that it’s probably the most orderly fashion to do this. But don’t you agree that it must be a forceful, abrupt change. It can be peaceful but it has to happen in a short period of time, doesn’t it?

Garrow: I believe it should, I believe it could, I believe it may, but I also believe this: three percent of the population, that’s all it took at the very beginning of this Republic. It was only three percent that actually fought for freedoms and the Republic and the new nation, only three percent. All we need is three percent of the population to rise up now and we can control the country.

Santilli agreed with Garrow’s call for guerilla warfare against Obama and urged Americans to participate in Operation American Spring, a rally calling for the president’s overthrow through potentially violent means.

While he alleged that it is actually government officials who want violence in order “to use all of their ammunition and equipment they’ve been building up for decades now,” Santilli urged people to “take care of business,” just like the Marines.

Garrow said that that Operation American Spring is “expecting 30 million people” to gather in Washington D.C. to demand Obama’s ouster, an event he said is necessary because the president is murdering people.

Garrow: It’s called Operation American Spring and it springs from that whole notion of what was going on with the Egypt groups, the people in Egypt rising up and saying ‘hey we want a return to freedom and not to a repressive Muslim regime.’

Santilli: Where is this going to take place? It’s on May 16.

Garrow: It’s on May 16 and it’s going to be in the Mall. They’re expecting 30 million people. There’s never been a gathering as large as they’re predicting for this event.

Santilli: Wow. That’s something that we can—actually we all need to get behind. We have no choice at this point and time. We have no choice, no alternative. As a former United States Marine, we Marines that are trained to lash out in a very special way, like in Fallujah. If you send the Marines in, they take care of business and it’s not by throwing potpourri everywhere. But I’ve learned my way through this that we have to take and exhaust every possible peaceful means to take back our Republic, we must do that because they want nothing more than for us to fire a first shot because that will allow them to use them to use all of their ammunition and equipment they’ve been building up for decades now. I think that we can, if we have a grand awakening such as the May 16 event, this Operation American Spring, that we have an opportunity to really just stand in the Mall, stand in the streets, let our voices be heard and tell them to vacate their offices.

Santilli: Guerrilla warfare is the potential that may come about if they try to test our resolve, isn’t it? They need to know that we’re prepared and they probably will test us, won’t they?

Garrow: Well the Second Amendment right is clearly that area where they’re going to push, push the wall as it were and see, will this wall crumble or will this be a strong wall? Will the public react one way or will they react another? They’ve already done some testing and frankly we have not done well. Unfortunately, they’ve come in and they’ve shot people, they’ve killed people.