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Jim Garrow Insists He Is Not Insane

Self-proclaimed former-intelligence-agent-turned-conservative-activist Jim Garrow went on a rant on Sunday, insisting that he is definitely not insane while discussing a 1997 meeting at which he apparently sat right next to Bill Simon, Alexander Haig, William Bennett and Zbigniew Brzezinski as they discussed creating the New World Order.

“These are not the insane rantings and ravings of lunatics,” Garrow told right-wing radio host Dave Janda.

Garrow also said he is “certain” the US is responsible for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane because he knows the American agent who boarded the plane after forcing it to land at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.

After US agents went abroad “to replenish the food supply” and “empty the toilets,” Garrow claims, the Americans then blew up the plane.

Garrow: The jet landed at Diego Garcia, it did. How do I know? Well, one of the guys who actually went up and opened the door so that certain passengers could come out on the tarmac and that the food could be taken in to replenish the food supply and they emptied the toilets. What else did they do, they took off the twenty Chinese who had tried to steal an advanced physics experiment that worked, a joint thing between China and America, and they were taken off.

Garrow: This is the beginning of cloaking technology, that’s where we were, that’s what these people tried to steal and that’s why jets were used to make sure that thing landed on Diego Garcia. What is Diego Garcia? It’s a Navy base people say. It’s a CIA base, an intelligence headquarters, and what do they do there? They take people there and they make people talk.

Janda: Are you saying that as a guest or as a former forty-five year operative of one of our prominent intelligence agencies?

Garrow: It’s a certainty.