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Jim Garrow Claims Obama's Rivals Have Mysteriously Died

Far-right conspiracy theorist Jim Garrow thinks that President Obama has been groomed by an Arab/African-American scheme to bring down America and Israel, writing today on his Facebook page that Obama’s rivals for the top job all have mysteriously died.

I would like to "bottom line" a couple of notions for folks. Barry Soetoro, the usurper of the Office of the President, is funded and abetted by Arab oil money. His grooming and support was a direct result of the appeal of journalist and reporter Vernon Jarrett to the Arab oil interests in a 1979 article that appeared in the Chicago Tribune. The suggestion opened up the flow of money from the Arabs to Jarrett and other communists and provided them with a windfall of dollars to enhance the effectiveness of the Chicago thugs. A total of 8 hopefuls from black communities across America were groomed, with Obama being the prize winner candidate to carry the flag. The other 7 have all died.

What has not been considered is the reaction of an emerging America, wakening to the realization that they have been conned, had, and used. The natural anger of the awakened will find an outlet and I trust that the target of the rage will be Obama and his enablers.

In fact, Garrow is pretty sure that Obama will seize “all communications in America” any day now.

As sure as rain falls and wind blows, there will come a day when Obama makes the grab for all communications in America. That would be the ability for broadcasters to have choice in what it is that they provide the public. The clue to all of us was when we recently heard that there would be folks in radio and television stations gathering information ostensibly to find out how decisions were made on what the content would be that was to be shared on air. The public reacted very quickly and very negatively to what most saw as an attempt to foist Obamaspeak on the nations broadcasters under the guise of a study. You can be sure that this feint or distraction was meant to test the waters for something that Obama is planning.

Which makes sense, since Obama is a Satanic Nazi Borg leader.

One of the series of movies and tv that I really enjoyed (via dvd) is Star Trek, Star Wars, and their spin offs. There are lessons to be learned about the collectivist (read communist) beliefs of our current occupant of the Oval Office whose embrace of the collectivist meme is seen in almost all of what he does. He is the leader of the modern day Borg and its policies of "assimilation" and with the use of government funds and regulation (not to mention punishment if you refuse a la the stylings of Valerie (the Impaler) Jarrett) he asserts his control over the nation. Critical to his success is the removal of the impact of all local politics. He has carefully crafted the use of funds as the carrot and joining the collective as the wedge of that carrot which is really the stick. He undermines local loyalties by tying money and advantage to those who go along with the giftings and ever so smoothly steals their hearts and loyalties. By removing local Sheriffs, Chiefs of Police and police officers from their neighborhoods and introducing them to the concept of a national police force he moves to capture their loyalties in the basest of appeals to ego, power and the notion of team (the collective). Hitler was skilled at this manifestation of control and appeal and we saw where that led. The desire to be part of an elite is a pretty raw appeal to a base instinct in our search for personal significance. But what I am seeing across the nation is an awakening to these devices and a rejection of them everywhere.

The fact that this is now becoming an almost clear cut battle of patriotism and love of freedom and liberty versus the collectivization of effort through government control is a good thing. The lines of demarcation are clear and less muddied and fuzzy. We can see with some clarity the real issues at hand and see through the fog of Obama's rhetoric and false promises. Satan promised the residents of the Garden of Eden that they would be as Gods knowing the difference between good and evil. In hindsight humanity can see the lie for what it is, an appeal to ego. With Obama we have clear choices as well, support the nation and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or support the collective as represented in the Nazi flourishes of islam and the death cult that it is. "To resist is not futile", and is in fact necessary.