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Jim Bakker's Guest Warns That Hillary Clinton Has The 'Spirit Of Antichrist'

Last week, televangelist Jim Bakker hosted Don and Mary Colbert of “Divine Health” and Mark Taylor, a Florida man who claims that God told him that Donald Trump will be the next president, to discuss the upcoming election.

Unsurprisingly, they were all enthralled with Taylor’s “message from God,” and were quite confident that the prophecy will materialize and God will put Trump in the White House.

Don Colbert, for his part, urged viewers to stand with Trump or face “the spirit of Antichrist” found in Hillary Clinton:

When I saw this prophecy, when the spirit of God hit me like someone slapped me in the face, it awakened me and I said, ‘Wait, whose side am I going to be on?’ Remember Moses? Remember the Korah rebellion? Remember the people that sided with Korah, how the earth opened up and swallowed them?

Well, we as Christians have got to make the right choice because if we don’t, this nation is in decline and this nation will be in judgment and our children and our grandchildren will not have the great America that we want for them.

That spirit of Antichrist is majorly on one of these candidates, and that’s Hillary Clinton, and Jesus even said there will be many Antichrists in the world; well, that spirit of Antichrist is on our president right now. So, as Christians, we have got to turn out and vote. If we don’t turn out and vote, we are electing Hillary Clinton.