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Jim Bakker: Anti-Trump Forces May Impose Martial Law Or Cancel The Election

When televangelist Jim Bakker and far-right writer Michael Snyder discussed the upcoming presidential election last week, both were rather excited about the prospect of Donald Trump winning in November.

That is, if the election ever takes place.

Both Bakker and Snyder feared that powerful forces may try to cancel the election, and Bakker warned that we “may not even get to the election” because “there’s going to be a martial law declared.” “Some have actually prophesied this,” Bakker added.

Bakker reminisced about the time he interviewed Ronald Reagan in 1979, which he called “the day Ronald Reagan became prophet.” Unfortunately, Bakker said he doesn’t have any footage of this momentous meeting with Reagan, but he has previously said that Reagan warned during the interview about America turning into Sodom and Gomorrah.

Snyder, meanwhile, urged viewers to pray for Trump’s safety because “the elite are going to move heaven and earth to do whatever is necessary to keep Donald Trump out of the White House,” adding that such elites “are not above launching false flag attacks” or creating “some type of event so that they can cancel or suspend the election.”

This prompted Bakker to claim that he has personally been the victim of false flag attacks “by some people” who “were trying to kill me.”