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Jesse Lee Peterson: 'Soon There Will Not Be Enough Whites To Stop The Chaos'

Right-wing activist Jesse Lee Peterson responded to the violence that has broken out at recent anti-Donald Trump protests by claiming that it is just another example of the “children of Satan ... unleashing hell on white Americans.”

Peterson wrote in his Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link"> WorldNetDaily column yesterday titled “Anti-Trump Violence Is Anti-White Hate” that “long before Trump came on the scene,” people of color were “waging war against whites, which represent the goodness of America.”

“If white Americans don’t take a stand, we’ll lose the country,” he wrote, citing demographic numbers showing the country become less white. “Soon there won’t be enough whites to stop the chaos.”

The children of Satan are unleashing hell on white Americans.

In San Jose, California, Hispanic thugs spit on and beat Trump supporters, kicked and jumped on their cars, and burned their belongings. The mob also burned American flags, chanted “F—k Donald Trump!” and screamed, “Make California Mexico again!”

Everywhere Trump goes, organized mobs of angry Hispanics, Black Lives Matter, LGBT, communists, Muslims and anarchists converge and attack his supporters.

What’s inciting these extremist hate groups? Is it the ‘Make America Great Again’ slogan? Is it Trump’s plan to build a wall?

These “people of color” and their supporters were full of rage long before Trump came on the scene. These people are evil. They are waging war against whites, which represent the goodness of America. They hate whites – especially white men – and want to take power away from them and redistribute wealth to destroy American freedom, rule of law and decency.

Over the last 50 years, feminists, LGBT groups, pro-illegal immigrant groups and Muslims have abused civil rights laws and are exploiting white liberals’ guilt for their selfish agenda. Unqualified radical minorities and liberal women have gotten into positions of power, and white males and traditional American values are under assault.

If white Americans don’t take a stand, we’ll lose the country. Soon there won’t be enough whites to stop the chaos. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the Hispanic population reached a new high of 55.4 million in 2014. As of July 1, 2014, there are more Hispanics living in California (14.99 million) than there are whites (14.92 million). Hispanics will account for about 49 percent of Californians by 2060.

Whites know they’re hated and scapegoated solely based on their race, and some feel hopeless. New research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates alarming increases in death rates for middle-aged white Americans. White life expectancy is declining due to what one expert labeled “deaths of despair” – drug and alcohol overdoses, suicides and disease from chronic alcoholism.

Whites have allowed things to spiral out of control, and they’re looking for someone to speak up for them. In Trump, they see a courageous, albeit imperfect, fighter who is willing to speak the truth and lead.

America’s enemies know their days are numbered. Obama has emboldened them over the past eight years, but Trump is helping to expose evil.

The hatred displayed by Hispanic thugs in San Jose is not so much about Donald Trump. It’s about stopping “Whitey” and destroying America. When more Americans understand this, we can unite against the real enemies of freedom and restore order in our nation.